It's official(?): Donald Trump has chosen Gen. James Mattis for defense secretary

Dec 01, 2016 15:28

Donald Trump has chosen retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis as his pick for secretary of defense, tasking the popular military leader with carrying out the president-elect's planned overhaul of Pentagon operations and a shift in national security priorities.

The Washington Post, citing "people familiar" with the decision," was first to report ( Read more... )

nightmares, shit just got real, nuclear weapons, stupid people, iran, torture, military, election 2016, think i just threw up a bit in my mouth, republicans, incompetence, no country for old white men, trolls gone wild, war on terror, patriotism, national security, this is why we cant have nice things, donald trump

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Comments 6

blackjedii December 2 2016, 00:09:36 UTC

sabrinita December 2 2016, 02:00:09 UTC
“There are many people who do not know if the U.S. Army has 60,000 men or 6 million"

..I actually looked that up because I was curious. The number was actually less than I thought it was, though definitely still higher than 60,000


moonshaz December 2 2016, 07:36:37 UTC

Trump has said that Mattis may have changed his views on torturing terrorists - even before being formally offered the job.

Am I missing something, or does this guy sound like less of a complete nightmare than most (all) of Drumpf's other picks? I mean, I don't know a thing about him, really, but this is the first one that didn't immediately make me recoil in utter horror. If he can talk Drumpf out of torturing people, that's a plus, right?


shanrina December 2 2016, 08:50:30 UTC
Yeah, he still sounds like an asshole and I disagree with a lot of what he's said even just in this article (and probably much more that didn't make it in), but given some of Trump's picks for other positions, Mattis seems...somewhat reasonable?


sugartitty December 2 2016, 12:38:04 UTC
yeah like this--"Instead, Trump said, Mattis advocated building a relationship with detainees. He told Trump “give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers, and I’ll do better,” an answer the president-elect called 'impressive.'"--sounds good to me?? I'm still nervous in regards to his approach to Iran tho.


sweet_heloise December 5 2016, 05:45:35 UTC
This is one of the better Cabinet choices


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