It's official(?): Donald Trump has chosen Gen. James Mattis for defense secretary

Dec 01, 2016 15:28

Donald Trump has chosen retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis as his pick for secretary of defense, tasking the popular military leader with carrying out the president-elect's planned overhaul of Pentagon operations and a shift in national security priorities.

The Washington Post, citing "people familiar" with the decision," was first to report Thursday that Trump had reached a decision.

The 66-year-old Mattis, who retired in 2013 after reportedly falling from favor with the Obama administration over disagreements about Iran, last served as the head of U.S. Central Command. The post afforded him oversight of all military activity in the Middle East, to include the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He will require a waiver from Congress to hold the Pentagon's top post because law mandates a seven-year wait between active-duty service and working as defense secretary, a rule is designed to reinforce the concept of civilian control of the military.

Neither Mattis nor Trump's transition team immediately responded to Military Times' requests seeking confirmation and comment. A spokesman for Trump indicated on Twitter that no decision had been reached concerning defense secretary. The Post reported that the announcement is likely to happen next week.

The general enjoys a cult-like following among past and present military members - particularly infantry Marines and soldiers - inspired by his swashbuckling rhetoric about the realities of war. He is known by an array of nicknames and military callsigns, including Mad Dog, Chaos and Warrior Monk. The last derives from his bachelor status, a rarity among those who attain four-star status.

Mattis is widely respected on Capitol Hill as well, and likely won't encounter any difficulty getting confirmed. Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain, R-Ariz., has praised Mattis as "one of the finest military officers of his generation and an extraordinary leader," and has signaled Senate support for Trump's choice.

Regarded as an intellectual but tough-edged military leader, Mattis is known for his colorful quotes such as: "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." His 44-year military career, which includes experience on the ground in combat, buoys his credibility. After their meeting on Nov. 19, Trump called him “the real deal.”

Mattis currently works as a national security fellow at the California-based Hoover Institution. In recent months he has spoken frequently in Washington, D.C., about the need for military leadership and vigilance in an increasingly dangerous world.

During his final years of service, Mattis sparred often with Obama’s national security team. As the president moved to set up his nuclear agreement with Iran, Mattis advocated - forcefully and publicly - a more aggressive approach to confronting the regime he has come to view as the greatest threat to stability in the Middle East. Trump made this a key foreign policy point on the campaign trail, repeatedly blasting Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the nuclear deal.

The president-elect has signaled his desire for a bigger military with fewer spending restrictions. But Trump also has promised a less-confrontational foreign policy strategy, blasting the past two presidents' inclination toward “nation building,” calling the approach an unforgivable failure. It remains to be seen how that syncs with Mattis’ opinions. But in August, the general co-authored a report blasting the last three administrations for a perceived lack of national security vision, saying those leaders have largely ignored threats posed by Russia, China and terrorist groups worldwide.

“If the world feels more dangerous to you, it should,” the report states. “We are seeing the results of 20 years of the United States operating unguided by strategy. We have been slow to identify emergent threats and unwilling to prioritize competing interests; we have sent confounding messages to enemies and allies alike. Our country urgently needs to up our game, make common cause with countries that are willing to help repair and sustain the international order that has served the United States and our allies so well.”

Trump has said that Mattis may have changed his views on torturing terrorists - even before being formally offered the job. Trump and his surrogates have been advocates for a return to waterboarding and other controversial interrogation techniques, but in an interview with the New York Times on Nov. 22 the president-elect said Mattis made him rethink that position.

Instead, Trump said, Mattis advocated building a relationship with detainees. He told Trump “give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers, and I’ll do better,” an answer the president-elect called "impressive."

Last spring, a group of Mattis fans unsuccessfully attempted to draft the retired general as an alternative presidential candidate to Trump and Clinton, but Mattis rebuffed the effort. And unlike a number of other high-profile former military leaders, he declined to condemn Trump’s campaign trial rhetoric about attacking the families of terrorists as dangerous and un-American.

In September, Mattis co-authored the book "Warriors & Citizens" which addresses the cultural gap between the military and the civilian population it serves. The results revealed a surprising level of ignorance and unfamiliarity.

His research found that one in three Americans have little or no familiarity with the military, and half of Americans cannot recall socializing with a service member or military spouse within the last year. This may point to at least one of his priorities as defense secretary: bridging the so-called civil-military divide.

“There are many people who do not know if the U.S. Army has 60,000 men or 6 million," Mattis told Military Times when the book was published in September. "They do not have a clue about that.

“America is quite right to be proud of their military, but at the same time there has got to be a sense of common purpose between these two elements. If, in fact, this gap grows and we lose the sense of common purpose, then I think we have a problem.”


nightmares, shit just got real, nuclear weapons, stupid people, iran, torture, military, election 2016, think i just threw up a bit in my mouth, republicans, incompetence, no country for old white men, trolls gone wild, war on terror, patriotism, national security, this is why we cant have nice things, donald trump

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