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Comments 33

by_venoms_sting July 2 2016, 00:05:35 UTC
Finally getting it together.


natyanayaki July 2 2016, 00:31:27 UTC


kunklebunkle July 2 2016, 01:34:01 UTC

... )


ponyboy July 2 2016, 01:53:33 UTC
as usual, this doesn't make sense esp considering the post in question.


spiritoftherain July 2 2016, 01:56:44 UTC
P. obvious the guy is some kind of Berniebro (Berniebro Berniebro Berniebro) troll. Should just leave him be.


ponyboy July 2 2016, 01:58:27 UTC
her, actually. its so annoying to see tbh when a post is perfectly reasonable


jeeelim5 July 2 2016, 05:42:36 UTC

These sound so obvious, and it's crazy it's taken this far to get here. Like #3, they get to pick which agencies rate them?? Pourquoi????

Also, the post office banking idea is a good one! We already have a system like that in place in Korea and from what I know, it works pretty well.


ceruleanst July 2 2016, 08:13:54 UTC
Well... Hillary's entire agenda is to be President. Her platform is "I'm going to be President." Bernie was only running because of the things he wants to get done. I guess there's no reason these goals necessarily have to conflict at all.


lozbabie July 2 2016, 17:12:24 UTC
Except this doesn't match reality.

Hillary has incredibly detailed policies. When asked she can go into great detail.

Bernie on the other hand doesn't care outside his main issues. And even on his main issues he has little knowledge.


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