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Comments 28

mercystars May 28 2016, 18:00:53 UTC
He failed biology dozens of times, didn't he.


tabaqui May 28 2016, 18:13:32 UTC
I think it's safe to say he never actually graduated.


screw_reality May 28 2016, 18:10:33 UTC
The way people talk about the survival of the species depending on moving off world, you'd think we already had a ton of sustainable colonies established. They also don't seem to have any idea how selective an exodus from Earth would really be. I remember a TA in one of my classes really going on a rant about NASA being de-funded and how Earth was doomed and we need to colonize the Moon and Mars now now now. Nobody is inviting you and your Philosophy PhD, friend.


tabaqui May 28 2016, 18:13:14 UTC
Right? If they think that money and the 1% is gross now, just imagine the free-for-all shite-fest that picking people to 'colonize' other planets would be. Sure, the initial group would be, in essence, worker-bees, but if anyone is imagining a fair lottery or something, they're very confused.

And yes, holy gods - don't they *realize* that humans living off-planet, sustainably and permanently is decades - maybe a century - in the future?


hobbits_friend May 28 2016, 18:45:04 UTC
How about "saving mankind" by trying to make THIS planet a better place to live for everyone instead of worrying about about gays on Mars? But global warming and all those other environmental problems are just myths, right?


tanglespiders May 28 2016, 19:16:36 UTC
"If we had to flee the Earth -- THROUGH NO FAULT OF OUR OWN, DEFINITELY NOT BECAUSE OF CLIMATE CHANGE, IDK, GIANT SPIDERS, MAYBE -- would you take two male pandas on your gargantuan space ark? Don't be foolish."


tabaqui May 28 2016, 19:30:20 UTC
*snickers madly*


hobbits_friend May 28 2016, 19:44:10 UTC
I would rather take the pandas or even the giant spiders as long as I don't need to take any stupid Republicans with me :D


tanglespiders May 28 2016, 18:59:06 UTC
You’re wanting to save humankind for posterity, basically a modern-day Noah, you have that ability to be a modern day Noah, you can preserve life. How many same-sex couples would you take from the animal kingdom and from humans to put on a spacecraft to perpetuate humanity and the wildlife kingdom?

I wish I got paid $174,000 a year to retell Futurama jokes on cspan.

Anyway, I say we go the Seveneves route. Bye, ya hateful pos.


thedabara_cds May 28 2016, 19:14:34 UTC
This presupposes that we'd be able to colonize other planets but are too stupid to bring in-vetro fertilization equipment on board. And that being on the same spaceship with all that gay sex would turn every single hetero on board gay all of a sudden.

This man was born with no logic circuit. Or more likely is flamingly gay but just can't admit it, even to himself.


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