Fuckface Drumpf is about to be the first man hunted & killed by women everywhere.

Mar 30, 2016 13:54

Trump: Women Should Be “Punished” With Deadly Back Alley-Abortions In “Illegal Places”

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Republican front-runner Donald Trump tripled down on his flagrant misogyny in an interview today with MSNBC‘s Chris Matthews, fully abandoning his previously held pro-choice positions and endorsing a full ban on abortion. “There has to be some form of ( Read more... )

*trigger warning: sexism, oh not this shit again, womens rights, women, stupid people, womens health, not helping, irl troll, *trigger warning: bullying, donald trump, fuck this guy, think i just threw up a bit in my mouth, abortion

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Comments 77

dumpweeds March 30 2016, 21:04:23 UTC

... )


emofordino March 30 2016, 22:26:08 UTC
this is the most perfect gif and especially for this occasion.


ms_mmelissa March 30 2016, 21:07:16 UTC
He just released a statement saying he would punish the doctors performing the abortions. Great.


calinewarkwc69 March 30 2016, 21:08:00 UTC
Lemme add that. do you have a link?


ms_mmelissa March 30 2016, 21:13:01 UTC
Nah, sorry I just saw it on CNN.

LOOOOL his senior adviser is just on right now and they asked her wtf he was thinking and she's like "Well, I don't really know right now."


sayuridoll March 30 2016, 21:56:30 UTC
omg I would hate to be his team. the amount of backtracking and clarifying statements and all out stupidity this trash says.


koushiba March 30 2016, 21:08:50 UTC


screamingintune March 30 2016, 21:17:02 UTC
he did a quick backtrack and said he wouldn't punish women, just providers.

Cruz probably believes this fully in his heart tbh

edit: also, I'd bet my entire life that Drummpf has funded multiple abortions for women he didn't want to have kids with.


maynardsong March 30 2016, 21:56:55 UTC
I have no doubt about that. (WRT to your ETA)


jrh19782002 March 30 2016, 22:14:26 UTC
and cruz thinks gays should be killed sooooooo not sure whos worse :(


moonshaz March 31 2016, 00:39:45 UTC
I actually think Cruz is worse. But it's not really much of a choice. Kind of like saying ebola is worse than bubonic plague--doesn't mean both aren't hideously undesirable.


(The comment has been removed)

spiritoftherain March 30 2016, 23:07:27 UTC
Yo, can I just say OT that I love how we're both using avatars of iconic video game characters from the PS2 generation? :D (I liked Lulu a lot, but Kimahri was my fave.)


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