Fuckface Drumpf is about to be the first man hunted & killed by women everywhere.

Mar 30, 2016 13:54

Trump: Women Should Be “Punished” With Deadly Back Alley-Abortions In “Illegal Places”

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Republican front-runner Donald Trump tripled down on his flagrant misogyny in an interview today with MSNBC‘s Chris Matthews, fully abandoning his previously held pro-choice positions and endorsing a full ban on abortion. “There has to be some form of ( Read more... )

*trigger warning: sexism, oh not this shit again, womens rights, women, stupid people, womens health, not helping, irl troll, *trigger warning: bullying, donald trump, fuck this guy, think i just threw up a bit in my mouth, abortion

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Comments 77

invisiblegirlx March 30 2016, 21:34:56 UTC
So...how does he plan on winning the general election without any support from women?


dumpweeds March 30 2016, 21:38:03 UTC
maybe he doesn't know we're allowed to vote


calinewarkwc69 March 30 2016, 21:39:38 UTC
lmao. DEAD.

We're all locked away in baby harvesting farms


sayuridoll March 30 2016, 21:56:44 UTC


scolaro March 30 2016, 21:37:25 UTC
At this point I'm starting to believe he is dying and wants to go out as the most infamous troll in the history of the world...


calinewarkwc69 March 30 2016, 21:39:10 UTC
We could only, truly, hope & pray that this is the case.


donaldjdrumpf March 31 2016, 01:18:58 UTC
Check my horoscope bitch, I'm immortal!


eveofrevolution March 31 2016, 15:45:13 UTC

scriptedending March 30 2016, 21:39:21 UTC
Omg @ the tags on this post, lol.

There are no words for how insane it is that someone who says things like this is running for the highest elected office in the nation.


donaldjdrumpf March 31 2016, 01:18:05 UTC
I'm gonna win and it's gonna be great. U'll be down o ur kneesin 4 years, begging me to run for re-election.


sayuridoll March 30 2016, 21:55:38 UTC
screeching at the "like Ronald Reagan, I am pro life with exceptions"

he backtracked, but he still isn't shit. you know he only backtracked when his whole entire team saw the shit storm he just created and were trying to save his ass.


donaldjdrumpf March 31 2016, 01:17:06 UTC
I didn't backtrack - I simply clarified. U were probably too busy changing ur tampon to notice. Sad!


maynardsong March 30 2016, 21:55:57 UTC
One of my guy friends said, "Oh, whatever, Donald Trump is a showman above all else, and he'll moderate his positions once he gets the nomination and people will forget about the outlandish things he said, and it's not like Trump is ever consistent on anything." (He's not actually a Trump supporter at all, FWIW.)
But the thing is that misogyny is the one thing that Trump has been consistent about. For that reason alone, no matter how much he tones down his bullshit, he'll be a non-starter for me.


calinewarkwc69 March 30 2016, 21:58:35 UTC
I think the lesson is not how awful Drumpf is or is not... but him saying these things on a public stage gives the green light to the millions of terrifying people who actually BELIEVE in what he is saying that come out of their basements and let us know.


screamingintune March 31 2016, 03:39:43 UTC
I think he'll try but I don't think he'll be able to stop himself


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