Fuckface Drumpf is about to be the first man hunted & killed by women everywhere.

Mar 30, 2016 13:54

Trump: Women Should Be “Punished” With Deadly Back Alley-Abortions In “Illegal Places”

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Republican front-runner Donald Trump tripled down on his flagrant misogyny in an interview today with MSNBC‘s Chris Matthews, fully abandoning his previously held pro-choice positions and endorsing a full ban on abortion. “There has to be some form of ( Read more... )

*trigger warning: sexism, oh not this shit again, womens rights, women, stupid people, womens health, not helping, irl troll, *trigger warning: bullying, donald trump, fuck this guy, think i just threw up a bit in my mouth, abortion

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ms_mmelissa March 30 2016, 21:07:16 UTC
He just released a statement saying he would punish the doctors performing the abortions. Great.


calinewarkwc69 March 30 2016, 21:08:00 UTC
Lemme add that. do you have a link?


ms_mmelissa March 30 2016, 21:13:01 UTC
Nah, sorry I just saw it on CNN.

LOOOOL his senior adviser is just on right now and they asked her wtf he was thinking and she's like "Well, I don't really know right now."


sayuridoll March 30 2016, 21:56:30 UTC
omg I would hate to be his team. the amount of backtracking and clarifying statements and all out stupidity this trash says.


ms_mmelissa March 30 2016, 21:13:53 UTC
Found it:

If Congress were to pass legislation making abortion illegal and the federal courts upheld this legislation, or any state were permitted to ban abortion under state and federal law, the doctor or any other person performing this illegal act upon a woman would be held legally responsible, not the woman. The woman is a victim in this case as is the life in her womb. My position has not changed - like Ronald Reagan, I am pro-life with exceptions.



koushiba March 30 2016, 21:09:05 UTC
even better!


maynardsong March 30 2016, 22:03:10 UTC
Shit, I'd rather he promote punishing the woman. At least such a declaration would acknowledge the /agency/ of the woman, rather than painting us as hapless victims of the evil evil abortion "industry".

On a tangent, that's the reason I don't think "horndog" or "skirtchaser" or "womanizer" for promiscuous men, even though they have negative connotations, are on par with "slut" and "ho". Because as insulting as those first three may be, at least they acknowledge that the man in question is actively choosing to fuck. I don't believe "slut" can be reclaimed because for that one, I just sense this underlying sense of "woman /lets/ men fuck her" rather than "woman actively chooses to fuck men for her own pleasure". But those are just my feels. YMMV.


spiritoftherain March 30 2016, 23:19:33 UTC
Nearly everything about the derogatory remarks against women is designed to undermine their agency. Male culture prefers to treat women like disposable dress-up dolls.


maynardsong March 30 2016, 23:21:22 UTC
Eh, "bitch" suggests agency.
So does "cougar" and that one is one that I believe could be reclaimed. I'm intending to reclaim it over the next two decades (I'm 29).


spiritoftherain March 30 2016, 23:26:20 UTC
Bitch is still calling a woman a domestic animal, though. A pet, even if most don't even consider that implication anymore. But I want to subscribe to your beliefs on cougar!


maynardsong March 30 2016, 23:44:23 UTC
But female wild dogs are bitches too. As are female wolves. It doesn't have to be domestic. The whole point of that slur is that it's directed against women who won't be domesticated, you know?
Not that I'll be pleased if I hear that word, but.


spiritoftherain March 30 2016, 23:56:32 UTC
Good point. I hadn't thought of it that way.

Still, women who won't be domesticated does kind of refer to the whole "know your place (is in the kitchen)" thing when it comes to toxic male culture. But I may be thinking about it too hard at this point.


maynardsong March 31 2016, 00:03:18 UTC
LOL I'm overthinking sexist slurs here, but "bitch" seems to be punishing women for daring to have agency but at least it doesn't erase it. "Slut" doesn't punish women for having agency really, for me it feels a lot more like it glosses over agency, pretends it doesn't exist. A slut is someone who puts out, who /lets/ guys fuck her, not one who fucks guys and definitely not for the sake of fucking. It doesn't acknowledge that a woman might actively want to have sex as an end of itself, but only use it as a means to an end. That's my problem with hailing female characters who use sex to get ahead. What I really want to see is women wanting sex for the sake of having sex, and it being shown as ordinary.


mimblexwimble March 31 2016, 00:09:13 UTC
I believe the slur, in its original use as an insult, was meant to liken women to mindless hypersexual animals, literally "bitch in heat" (also why "son of a bitch" is an insult). And it's meaning expanded to include women who were difficult to control and lacking sense.


spyral_out March 31 2016, 01:32:26 UTC
Did someone tell him he's supposed to be getting his policy ideas from Margaret Atwood, or what


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