Hillary Clinton's AIPAC speech was...something.

Mar 23, 2016 13:40

Hillary Clinton’s AIPAC Speech Was a Symphony of Craven, Delusional Pandering

Clinton had an opportunity to show some political courage. She decided to alienate the left instead.Any presidential candidate speaking to AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, during an election year is going to bow to the hawkish elements of the Israel ( Read more... )

palestine, israel, jewish people, arabs, hillary clinton

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Comments 55

calinewarkwc69 March 23 2016, 18:22:50 UTC
When she started promising the best high tech defense systems in the world to them, I tuned out. I cannot.... one of the most intelligent comments on this issue that really turned me more pro-Palestine was actually on ONTD, and basically, they gave a very riveting argument for Hamas and how they were essentially formed because Palestine had no real government and the government they were supposed to follow was attempting to commit a genocide against them, so OBVIOUSLY, as is human nature, groups arise to protect their people, provide the most basic of health services, schooling, water & food, DEFENSE.... and it rang true to me in so many ways... you cannot suppress a whole group of people and expect them to not eventually radicalize and fight back.


browneyedguuurl March 23 2016, 18:29:12 UTC
Exactly. These people have basically been abused to the point that they have had to take matters into their own hands. And Israel bombing hospital, schools and bascially civilian populated places is an outright attack on innocents. Plus they control the water supply so that is a huge problem. The fact that people can stick their hands in their ears and ignore the situation as a whole is sickening.


koushiba March 23 2016, 18:36:10 UTC
"You cannot suppress a whole group of people and expect them to not eventually radicalize and fight back."

I can't believe that people are still so obtuse about this because its so true about a lot of radical groups all over the world. You can't expect to push people to such desperation and not push back. No group is ever going to be like "oh I see your point, sure kill us all off!"


browneyedguuurl March 23 2016, 19:16:33 UTC
I know. I roll my eyes when people go on the "They just hate freedom!!!!11!" rant. It makes me roll my eyes so hard.


sugartitty March 23 2016, 20:24:18 UTC
Yeah, this was the nail in the coffin for me ever voting for her come November. I'm absolutely disgusted that America will likely be choosing between a racist talking yam and a warmongering neocon for our next president.


browneyedguuurl March 23 2016, 20:39:33 UTC
Well, since the bombs, abuse and murder don't happen to them they don't care.


prlsb4swiine March 24 2016, 04:26:45 UTC
I had to think for a moment who was the yam and who was the warmongerer


celtic_thistle March 25 2016, 04:10:51 UTC
mte. This sort of shit is why I really, really cannot get behind her in any way, shape, or form.


somechickxoxo March 23 2016, 22:03:22 UTC
I've mentioned before on here my stepdads family is from Israel but he's Arab. He was born in the US (first generation) and he lived in the West Bank for a few years. Anyhow, I remember asking him once when I was much younger why don't the Arab people renounce the orgs like Hamas etc and he said many of the Palestinians don't want their family joining these efforts and want peace and to keep their land but on the same token some people were sick and tired of being treated unfavorably, having curfews, being denied access to medical care and food resources, land being stolen and homes bulldozed etc so although he would never he senses their frustration.


browneyedguuurl March 25 2016, 00:39:59 UTC
That makes sense and it's nice to see someone on the other side gets why the situation has escalated to what it is now.


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littlelistmaker March 24 2016, 01:59:45 UTC
Hillary may know a lot more about foreign affairs, but she doesn't seem to care enough about foreigners to change her stance.

Mte more experience, in this case, has just led to more damaging policies. It's not an asset.


ceruleanst March 24 2016, 03:22:04 UTC
Another way to say it might be that her kind of "experience" and "knowledge" is really just a euphemism for commitment to the status quo.

It is diplomacy as dinner party etiquette, where if someone defies the proscriptions handed down by international military-industrial and corporate-financial hegemonies, the rebuke is "Don't you know you're not supposed to say that to them? Don't you know you can't do that? If you were more educated and experienced in these things you would know that."


celtic_thistle March 25 2016, 04:12:24 UTC
ofc they'll ignore it, bc omg she can get things done!!!!!1!

By "things" of course they must mean "bombing the shit out of innocent people."


mimblexwimble March 23 2016, 22:43:31 UTC
Why is Israel so important to America? Is there any other country that is so up another country's ass?

Israel should hardly warrant a mention in our elections but the way our politicians talk you'd think Israel was a synonym for USA. We can barely mention Guam, or Puerto Rico, or American Samoa, or fund their anything! But we can send American tax dollars to Israel so it can commit genocide faster.


darth_eldritch March 24 2016, 01:52:48 UTC
This this this

I never understood why Israel was so special. All it sounded like to me is a bunch of people bullied another group or people out of the homes they've lived in for generations because God said so.


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darth_eldritch March 24 2016, 08:04:05 UTC
Yep. Very true.


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