local WV reporter verbally pwns CEO of company responsible for water crisis (includes VIDEO)

Jan 13, 2014 16:12

In an unbelievable display of arrogance and detachment, the President of a company that just poisoned huge swaths of West Virginia had the nerve to repeatedly chug a bottle of water on camera during a press conference - while 300,000 Charleston residents spent a second night unable to bathe, shower or drink tap water on Saturday after a chemical ( Read more... )

you stay classy, pwned, disasters, fuck this guy, west virginia

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Comments 12

tabaqui January 14 2014, 02:07:42 UTC
What a fuckhead. Good on her! Reporters need to do that kind of thing more often.


bella_cheval January 14 2014, 22:11:11 UTC
YES. For once a reporter from around here does what they're supposed to do and not just be a talking head. Hopefully she'll stick around and not get head-hunted by a major network, we need more of Kallie's type doing the news.


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