local WV reporter verbally pwns CEO of company responsible for water crisis (includes VIDEO)

Jan 13, 2014 16:12

In an unbelievable display of arrogance and detachment, the President of a company that just poisoned huge swaths of West Virginia had the nerve to repeatedly chug a bottle of water on camera during a press conference - while 300,000 Charleston residents spent a second night unable to bathe, shower or drink tap water on Saturday after a chemical ( Read more... )

you stay classy, pwned, disasters, fuck this guy, west virginia

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Comments 12

chaya January 14 2014, 00:41:22 UTC
This is great, but you're missing the text and the video could be embedded.


sio January 14 2014, 01:03:28 UTC
missing which text?

and i'll go fetch the embed code and add that in. video embedded! let me know what i am missing and i will edit again to fix after my Aqua Zumba class XD


chaya January 14 2014, 01:36:35 UTC
"But the most notable part of the clip comes towards the end, where Southern tries to make his getaway, saying “that’s all we have time for.”"


sio January 14 2014, 03:27:06 UTC
wow, that was in my original paste. guess LJ decided to snack on it when i was doing the bolding.

thanks for pointing it out...added in and did a transcripted version of it, including her stopping him, haha.


blackjedii January 14 2014, 01:17:59 UTC
let them eat cake - 2014 edition


pamuya January 14 2014, 01:43:38 UTC
this douchebag, he is so smug and i just want to punch him in the face. he gives no fucks about us

u go kallie!


nesmith January 14 2014, 01:50:05 UTC
You go! Nail that smug, arrogant son of a bitch! Too bad we can't dump him headfirst into the river.


vulturoso January 14 2014, 01:50:09 UTC
Holy fuck did we just see some actual journalism take place? Good golly.


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