local WV reporter verbally pwns CEO of company responsible for water crisis (includes VIDEO)

Jan 13, 2014 16:12

In an unbelievable display of arrogance and detachment, the President of a company that just poisoned huge swaths of West Virginia had the nerve to repeatedly chug a bottle of water on camera during a press conference - while 300,000 Charleston residents spent a second night unable to bathe, shower or drink tap water on Saturday after a chemical spill into the Elk River.

Many are giving praise to a persistent reporter from local Channel 8 named Kallie Cart, who pressed Freedom Industries president, Gary Southern, while he was clearly trying to cut the press conference short and leave with giving as little information as possible.

“Look guys, it’s been an extremely long day,” Southern complained. “I’m having a lot of trouble talking at the moment. I’d appreciate it if we could wrap this thing up....”

“We actually have a lot of questions,” Cart interrupted. “It’s been a long day for a lot of people who don’t have water.”

The look on Southern’s face was priceless as he took a chug from his water bottle.

But the most notable part of the clip comes towards the end, where Southern tries to make his getaway:

ASSHAT: At this moment in time, I think that’s all we have time for. :turns to run away leave:
KALLIE THE AWESOME REPORTER: We have more questions...hey, hey! No, no--we're not done!

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awesomeness at source

second source with extra fun info/tweet-caps

[ETA: thanks, chaya for pointing out the part LJ ate for dinner. Re-added in with my transcripted twist XD]

you stay classy, pwned, disasters, fuck this guy, west virginia

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