
Oct 11, 2008 18:00

Sarah Palin: Troopergate probe findings show I didn't break laws

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troopergate, sarah palin / palin family

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Comments 37

worththewords October 11 2008, 22:10:25 UTC


angry_chick October 11 2008, 22:15:55 UTC

... )


dolcianiblows October 11 2008, 22:18:54 UTC
"dont worry dude your muslim buddy will find out the true polls in another few days,all over the country the information is getting out.if youwant some info on your buddy obama go to google on the small bar type in barack obama,like the restthat went there.youwill see all the info about your loser,he cant be trusted to even tell the truth,SORRY DUDE" YOU SOUND LIKE A LOSER IF YOU SURPPORT OBAMA.YOUWILL BE."


sunoftheskye October 11 2008, 22:19:42 UTC
god needs to just destroy this whole world and start over


maxvinyl October 11 2008, 22:21:13 UTC
god will be telling ontd_p to build an ark very, very soon.


koalafrog October 11 2008, 22:11:28 UTC
Not shocking that they're spinning this as hard as Lincoln and Eisenhower spin in their graves.


(The comment has been removed)

jessica_leah October 11 2008, 22:13:41 UTC
That's not how the McPalin double standard works!


slick_nyc October 11 2008, 22:14:34 UTC
But that would be both fair and balanced!

What kind of world do you think this is?


angry_chick October 11 2008, 22:13:20 UTC

"Let's find a rock
I mean a big-ass rock
Or maybe something like
A cinder block is better
I'll hoist it up
And drop it on your face, my buddy"


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