
Oct 11, 2008 18:00

Sarah Palin: Troopergate probe findings show I didn't break laws

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troopergate, sarah palin / palin family

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Comments 37

dolcianiblows October 11 2008, 22:14:40 UTC
They HAVE to spin this because they supposedly picked Palin because she is a reformer, a maverick, and someone who doesn't play the same old political games.


education is for elitists maxvinyl October 11 2008, 22:15:29 UTC
"You got to read the report."

"You got to read the report."

"You got to read the report."


Re: education is for elitists endearlings October 12 2008, 03:56:36 UTC
lol that almost reminds of mccain's "read my book" or something along those lines


jodifer October 11 2008, 22:18:01 UTC
Obviously, it's not unethical, my friends.

The Newsweek photo of her - THAT'S unethical.


dolcianiblows October 11 2008, 22:21:09 UTC
Well, yeah. If you don't airbrush a female politician into oblivion, you're sexist.


winniechili October 11 2008, 22:18:41 UTC
Anyone at a Palin rally doesn't give a fuck about that report. I wish the media would just stop paying attention to her stupid bitchassness.


americantrvler2 October 11 2008, 22:21:15 UTC
"You got to read the report...but just skim over that first part where it said I acted unethically! Ethics are for pinko commie liberals!"



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