Neighborhood United After Vile Anonymous Letter is Sent to Parents of Autistic Child

Aug 19, 2013 20:21

A disturbing letter targeting a teen with autism has shaken the boy's family and rallied the local community to their defense.

TW: ableist language, bullying. )

autism, flames on the side of my face, parents, bullying, *trigger warning: ableism, ableism, meanwhile in canada..., *trigger warning: bullying

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Comments 47

chaya August 20 2013, 01:28:34 UTC
"Do the right thing and move or euthanize him!!"

Ma'am, you're thinking of death panels. This isn't America.


mollywobbles867 August 20 2013, 01:37:09 UTC
I read the whole letter on Tumblr the other day and wanted to vomit. It was bad enough when my bff's (now ex)neighbor called her kids "little shits" and that "they should be on leashes" within ear shot of them and made them cry. My passive ass was close to violence. This? Their lawn would be on fire.


kitanabychoice August 20 2013, 01:40:34 UTC
Wow, that letter is fucking awful. I cannot even with that bullshit.


tcpip August 20 2013, 01:53:07 UTC
Getting it to the media and the resultant outrage is the right tactic. Even anonymously, the author has been shamed.


fabrisse August 20 2013, 03:20:34 UTC
I don't think the person capable of writing that letter is capable of shame. That letter is horrid.


mickeym August 20 2013, 03:24:09 UTC
I agree with you. Anyone who can say the things that person said... Of course, they're also too big of a fucking coward to sign their name to it.



mercystars August 20 2013, 04:37:09 UTC
mte, these chickenshits never, ever sign their names, do they

fucking cowards


romp August 20 2013, 02:00:16 UTC
Not reading the letter but the article says it's anonymous. Do they know who wrote it? Must be a small group of people in hearing range of the family, right?

I bet they figure it out. And good for them for going public! The neighbourhood comes together, the family finds they have support, and children of the letter-writer will hopefully see that haters are the unwanted people on the block.


chaya August 20 2013, 02:08:57 UTC
There are a lot of home layouts that arrange all the back yards facing inward, toward each other if not directly gridded together. If the boy yells a lot there could easily be a dozen households that can hear him.


romp August 20 2013, 03:30:30 UTC
Yeah, I was thinking about a dozen. I bet most of them are expressing their support of the family. And the ones who don't... I imagine the family who got the letter already knows who gives them stick-eye whenever they cross paths.


moonshaz August 20 2013, 06:57:27 UTC
No doubt.


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