We can’t restrict high-capacity magazines because gay marriage leads to bestiality

Apr 02, 2013 21:38

The Texas Republican got very creative -- and very offensive -- in recent remarks against gun control

Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert started to answer a question about a ban on high-capacity magazines during a Tea Party conference call this week, but ended up talking about - wait for it - bestiality.

Here’s what Gohmert had to say about his ( Read more... )

tea bagging, you stay classy, wtf, scumbags, second amendment, stupid people, tea party, fuck this guy, marriage equality, gun control

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Comments 43

zinnia_rose April 3 2013, 08:03:20 UTC
I can't help but wonder what is with this guy's obsession with bestiality. Can't help but speculate can you?

Yeah, homophobes sure do spend a hell of a lot of time thinking about gay sex, sex with more than one other person, pedophilia, and bestiality*....

*Just to be clear, I'm not equating any/all of these things. They just seem to turn up together in a lot of GOP bullshit.


bethan_b_bad April 3 2013, 09:54:05 UTC
Oh, can we not with the 'lol, all homophobes are secretly gay' thing? This douche is probably 100% straight, just like nearly every other gay-bashing dickbag. Queers arenot responsible for our own persecution, damnit.


tabaqui April 3 2013, 10:59:54 UTC
OP speculated on this guy's obsession with bestiality, not on his possible homosexuality. Maybe he just wants to be with his dog, considering that's where his arguments seem to lead....


ceruleanst April 3 2013, 12:25:44 UTC
Religious homophobes aren't secretly gay, they secretly want to have gay sex. There's a difference. What they have is an obsession with taboo that develops into a fetish, and when they get enough power they are thrilled by the idea that they can get away with forbidden acts. Gay men are just objects on the list of forbidden objects they want to get away with fucking, along with animals, etc., and that's why it's the same to them. It's a real thing, and they get caught in it all the time, and they can well be mocked for it.


4o5pastmidnight April 3 2013, 08:09:13 UTC
He just really wants to marry his dog, okay?! Give the poor guy a break!


girlomega April 3 2013, 08:13:52 UTC
"then why not have three men and one woman, or four women and one man"

Yeah, that happens already. But I really don't want to know what his views on poly/open relationships are as he already can't handle non-traditional relationships.

Really wish people would get the fuck off the train of "BUT IF WE ALLOW MEN TO MARRY MEN THEN WE HAVE TO LET PEOPLE/WILL WANT TO MARRY ANIMALS" because no. Just. No.


muizenstaartje April 3 2013, 09:39:02 UTC
I have yet to see an animal that can consent and sign a legal document while understanding what it means.

We let adults marry, but we don't let girls marry boys or women marry boys or men marry girls. Clearly people are able to draw a firm line somewhere. Or maybe it's just some people who are able.


empressith April 3 2013, 16:31:36 UTC
that was pretty much what I was going to say. :)


angelus7988 April 3 2013, 20:55:46 UTC
Given that Texas law allows minors to marry with parental consent, I think it's safe to assume only some people are capable of making that distinction.


rhysande April 3 2013, 23:17:15 UTC
Yep. It's quite a leap to assume allowing adults capable of giving consent to marry will lead to bestiality, pedophilia, or necrophilia. "Capable of giving consent" is rather key.


tabaqui April 3 2013, 10:58:32 UTC
I've really had enough of these jackasses and their incredibly ignorant rants. Just fuck off and die already.


the_physicist April 3 2013, 12:16:01 UTC


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