We can’t restrict high-capacity magazines because gay marriage leads to bestiality

Apr 02, 2013 21:38

The Texas Republican got very creative -- and very offensive -- in recent remarks against gun control

Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert started to answer a question about a ban on high-capacity magazines during a Tea Party conference call this week, but ended up talking about - wait for it - bestiality.

Here’s what Gohmert had to say about his ( Read more... )

tea bagging, you stay classy, wtf, scumbags, second amendment, stupid people, tea party, fuck this guy, marriage equality, gun control

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zinnia_rose April 3 2013, 08:03:20 UTC
I can't help but wonder what is with this guy's obsession with bestiality. Can't help but speculate can you?

Yeah, homophobes sure do spend a hell of a lot of time thinking about gay sex, sex with more than one other person, pedophilia, and bestiality*....

*Just to be clear, I'm not equating any/all of these things. They just seem to turn up together in a lot of GOP bullshit.


bethan_b_bad April 3 2013, 09:54:05 UTC
Oh, can we not with the 'lol, all homophobes are secretly gay' thing? This douche is probably 100% straight, just like nearly every other gay-bashing dickbag. Queers arenot responsible for our own persecution, damnit.


tabaqui April 3 2013, 10:59:54 UTC
OP speculated on this guy's obsession with bestiality, not on his possible homosexuality. Maybe he just wants to be with his dog, considering that's where his arguments seem to lead....


ceruleanst April 3 2013, 12:25:44 UTC
Religious homophobes aren't secretly gay, they secretly want to have gay sex. There's a difference. What they have is an obsession with taboo that develops into a fetish, and when they get enough power they are thrilled by the idea that they can get away with forbidden acts. Gay men are just objects on the list of forbidden objects they want to get away with fucking, along with animals, etc., and that's why it's the same to them. It's a real thing, and they get caught in it all the time, and they can well be mocked for it.


bellonia April 3 2013, 15:05:27 UTC


bmh4d0k3n April 3 2013, 23:45:36 UTC

... )


ceruleanst April 4 2013, 00:45:00 UTC
When you can't articulate your disagreement beyond "no" I can't even tell whether it's even about what I really said, let alone start to consider where I may have gone wrong.


bmh4d0k3n April 4 2013, 03:25:18 UTC
Religious homophobes aren't secretly gay, they secretly want to have gay sex.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.


ceruleanst April 4 2013, 14:37:15 UTC
Better, thanks.

For extraordinary (if anecdotal), let's look at the strangely forthcoming Neal Horsley. He admitted in an Alan Colmes interview (first three footnotes...obviously the original source didn't last on the Fox News website) that in his adolescence he would stick it in guys, farm animals, whatever, and implied that anyone who doesn't remember doing so when they were "young and dumb" must be out of touch with everyday life. Clearly he thinks this aimless lust is universal, and that any informed adults still doing any of the things he would are simply lacking the guidance of God that keeps him under control.

Hopefully I don't have to compile and collate all conservative sex scandals for you. I admit that my claim was in the form of a generalization (the less fixated among them may just be arguing from disgust like their secular counterparts) but it was my understanding that casual generalizations about the privileged are okay, nay, sacrosanct in this community.


ragnor144 April 3 2013, 14:19:16 UTC
I agree that the all homophobes are gay idea is wrong and overused, but I think that what is being said is true - there is SOMETHING sexually wrong with people who equate every problem to something they think is sexually deviant. I don't think that I, as a reasonably sexually well-adjusted pansexual genderqueer person, thinks anywhere as much about sex as any of these bigots. But they think I do, because they do. Their problem may be as simple as not being able to see even plain vanilla sex as something that isn't evilly sinful. I don't think that Rep. Gohmert necessarily wants to fuck his dog, but something made him latch onto that as his metaphor of choice. He likely thinks that is what my deviant little mind wants since the idea of of not really caring about the gender of my partner is too wild an idea for him to fathom.


moonshaz April 4 2013, 00:28:37 UTC
Iawtc. Especially the part about not being able to see even plain vanilla sex as something vile and evil. I think that may be their real problem, tbqh. They see evil EVERYWHERE, hiding behind every bush, and along with that comes an obsession with protecting themselves and anybody else in sight from that evil (including those who don't need or want any such "protection").

The whole thing is definitely INCREDIBLY fucked up.


nitasee April 4 2013, 00:57:27 UTC
Not to mention there is an element of "the sky is falling". They not only see evil everywhere, but anything they dislike, o matter how small, instantly leads the downfall of all civilization. Hyperbole to the extreme - if that isn't redundant.


mickeym April 4 2013, 01:26:34 UTC
Very well put.

Their problem may be as simple as not being able to see even plain vanilla sex as something that isn't evilly sinful.

I think this is probably hit-on-the-head-of-the-nail correct. Think of the Victorian era, not so long past (and still existing within the Bible Belt) where showing skin was "wrong". Masturbation was wrong/evil. Any touching of oneself was suspect, the human body was merely a vessel for reproduction, and you weren't supposed to enjoy it.

My son has asked me more than once why some people think masturbation is wrong; why they think sex is wrong, and I've had to explain to him that some people are brought up being told that it's wrong/bad/evil. (We're in Kentucky, btw, where "Sex Ed" consisted of "say no until marriage".)


nitasee April 3 2013, 19:39:59 UTC
As the one who posted this, I wasn't implying that he was secretly gay. (Clearly he's a homophobe.) My comment was "I can't help but wonder what is with this guy's obsession with bestiality. Can't help but speculate can you?" Truthfully, I don't think he's secretly into bestiality either, I just wonder why he is obsessed with it. When you see a certain pattern in a person's thinking or speech, you know there's an underlying psychological issue. The easy explanation is that "he's obsessed with ___ because he secretly is ____". It's not always that simple. I doubt it is in his case, but to be honest, he's such an vile excuse for humanity that my mean side wants to make some pretty nasty speculations.


zinnia_rose April 3 2013, 21:13:24 UTC
Oh no, that's not what I meant at all! I don't think this guy is secretly gay any more than I think I he secretly wants to bang his dog or molest a child. What I meant is that he thinks gay people are perverted but he's the one obesessing about bestiality. Homophobes seem to spend way more time thinking about gay sex than actual gay people do.

Sorry for any offense.


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