Gay marriage fraud! Oh noes!

Apr 02, 2013 14:54

Sue Everhart, Georgia GOP Chairwoman, Warns Of 'Free Ride' Gay Marriage Fraud

Georgia GOP Chairwoman Sue Everhart warned that straight people might enter into fraudulent gay marriages to obtain benefits, the Marietta Daily Journal reported Saturday.

"You may be as straight as an arrow, and you may have a friend that is as straight as an arrow,” ( Read more... )

excuze me wtf r u doin, fail, not intended to be a factual statement, republicans. lol, old lady, this makes a negative amount sense, fraud, marriage equality

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Comments 83

chaya April 2 2013, 19:55:59 UTC
And obvi if we were to discover that some people were taking advantage of the benefits of heterosexual marriage without actually being in love or planning to procreate, we'd totally abolish heterosexual marriage :D


nextdrinksonme April 2 2013, 19:58:56 UTC
And of course, two straight people could neeeeever enter a fraudulent straight marriage for the benefits and then just live their own lives. Nope, could never happen. Wait, I know three 'couples' who did just that? Well shucks.


nitasee April 2 2013, 20:10:31 UTC
Can we say "greencard marriage"?


nextdrinksonme April 2 2013, 20:21:13 UTC
These were more healthcare marriages.


aviv_b April 2 2013, 20:25:04 UTC
yep. Know of one of these as well as a couple of green card marriages. I am never ceased to be amazed at the ignorance of some people.


mollywobbles867 April 2 2013, 20:05:13 UTC
Because straight people don't do this in opposite-sex marriages? like wtf kind of logic is this? Sounds like a reason to get rid of marriage altogether! /sarcasm

Her inability to comprehend gay sex is hilarious and sad. What's a clit? What's cunnilingus? What's anal? What's a blowjob? What's tribbing? What is a strap-on? A vibrator? Fingers, what are those?


nitasee April 2 2013, 20:13:55 UTC
Don't talk like that! You'll give the poor lady the vapors!


nextdrinksonme April 2 2013, 20:35:49 UTC
What is tribbing? Kind of sounds like a porn move involving tribbles.


shortsweetcynic April 2 2013, 20:15:44 UTC
because marriages of convenience are unheard of in hetero relationships, y/y?



shortsweetcynic April 2 2013, 20:22:17 UTC

"There is no way that this is about equality."

oh, fuck you - yes it is. i'm getting really tired of the recent bleating insistence that they're not bad hateful people for opposing this, it's just that [insert reason of the day].

your reasons are not reasons, no matter how you try to make them so. i believe george takei said all that will ever need to be said on the subject:

... )


moonshaz April 3 2013, 04:28:43 UTC
"You are always going to be...a total douchebag."

Preach it, George!


scolaro April 2 2013, 20:27:44 UTC
Logic, how does it work?


layweed April 2 2013, 21:47:13 UTC
oh hai shao jun. you could have been great but those idiots at Ubisoft decided to stick with their boringass plot line and Western-centric universe. :(


scolaro April 3 2013, 05:20:58 UTC
Embers screwed with my mind so much that I was completely convinced AC3 would have Shao Jun as main character and be set in China. So much disappointment. Still haven't bought the actual game because of that.

At least Square Enix is doing something right.
*hugs the new Lara Croft*


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