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Comments 69

ayashi March 29 2013, 20:17:38 UTC
I'm presuming that the Obama family is paying for this out of their own money, and they are pretty well off so... ok?


lovedforaday March 29 2013, 20:31:28 UTC
i've seen some repub internet commenters complain about the cost of security.


ayashi March 29 2013, 20:37:05 UTC
Yeah, I just was googling around a bit to learn more and that's what I came across :(


squeeful March 29 2013, 21:13:10 UTC
Yeeeah, they would still have to pay for the security if they were sitting at home or went on an "austerity" road trip instead. This is not about the cost.


ayarane March 29 2013, 20:48:49 UTC
Good grief, Republicans. What would you have the girls do during their break, play catch on the front lawn?

...even then, you would complain since they'd still need security, and not to mention you would probably take issue with how much it would cost for the toys from the nearest effing K-mart. Or you'd make a row over them not procuring their entertainment from a mom-and-pop.


underlankers March 29 2013, 20:51:30 UTC
Who gives a damn about what Steve King thinks? Other than Steve King, that is?


raspberryjaaam March 29 2013, 20:56:49 UTC
Seriously lmao there's a special place in hell for people like him


mercystars March 29 2013, 21:15:28 UTC
ot but lol what is going on in your icon?


raspberryjaaam March 29 2013, 22:16:41 UTC
It's a scene from a recent episode of Parks and Rec haha


rex_dart March 29 2013, 21:13:50 UTC
I was reading comments on articles about this, and they were full of Republicans who seriously believe Obama is stealing taxpayer money to send his kids on vacation. They seriously cannot comprehend that the Obamas have enough personal wealth to afford this trip, and that going to an Atlantis resort in the Bahamas isn't some sort of lavish trip by the standards of someone as rich as the Obamas. Of course, Republicans generally hate to leave the country so I guess I would expect them to assume that the sunnier a place is, the more over the top and decadent it is going there.


belleweather March 29 2013, 22:23:57 UTC
They sent them to Atlantis? Okay, a) not that crazy-expensive AT ALL and b) totally side-eyeing the Obama's taste in vacationing spots at the moment.


rex_dart March 29 2013, 23:17:13 UTC
That's what I read, but basically any resort hotel in the Bahamas isn't going to be a crazy expensive vacation compared to, well... a lot of other vacations. I travel a lot and sitting in one place on an island that's really quite nearby is always going to be relatively cheap compared to a lot of travel options. If these people are wanting to hear about lavish vacations, let me tell them about my dream holiday scuba diving in the Galapagos, about six thousand dollars a person.


bettalaylow March 30 2013, 00:51:08 UTC
That's cheap 6 grand my stepmom does luxury travel her clients spend that on a first class ticket from NY to LA.


happythree March 29 2013, 21:20:02 UTC
The Daily Show Bachmann coverage was really funny.


corinn March 30 2013, 06:39:04 UTC


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