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Comments 69

tabaqui March 29 2013, 21:51:06 UTC
ALL presidents pay for this kind of thing out of their own money. They pay for their own food, too, while they're in office. The only thing 'taxpayers' are paying for is the SS, and those guys get a salary no matter what, so.....

The Bush twins used the SS for their public drinking shenanigans, don't remember King or anyone else whining about *that*.


georgie_georgie March 29 2013, 22:18:09 UTC
oh man, I forgot they used to be party-girls.


4o5pastmidnight March 29 2013, 23:47:19 UTC
I live a few blocks from the Chuys where Jenna Bush was arrested for underage drinking. :D


ineverycolor March 30 2013, 02:20:32 UTC
hahah yeah seriously


myrrhmade March 29 2013, 21:54:07 UTC
Goddamn. Never forget white society's willingness to attack young black girls.


ladypolitik March 29 2013, 22:47:19 UTC


bettalaylow March 30 2013, 00:48:49 UTC
I fucking love your icon Job is damn fierce!


darth_eldritch March 30 2013, 01:07:38 UTC


ceilidh March 29 2013, 22:31:16 UTC
I have an acquaintance who is a high school band director. He is constantly moaning and whining about the Obamas spending too much money going places, because austerity! Where is he over Spring Break? He took his band to Hawaii. Which, great experience for the students, but .. austerity!


bellichka March 30 2013, 01:07:43 UTC
In all fairness, it's most likely that those kids & their families paid for that trip 100% themselves, with no financial support from the school district. (Not sure if this is what you were getting at, but I wasn't sure if you were aware how hs music trips normally worked). However, it's definitely not very "austere" on the part of the parents!

I know a hs choir who's on their way to the UK right now, and I'm like... my *college* choir didn't even tour internationally. I think it's a bit much.


ceilidh March 30 2013, 01:28:28 UTC
OH yeah, I know how it works--I'm a former band kid who grew up to be a music teacher and my kid is currently in band! I just think it's rich that he as the teacher is going for free (I know how these trips work; you usually book through a company who gives you a certain number of free teacher/chaperone tickets for every 20-30 student tickets purchased) and asking parents to shell out a shit load of money (the school is on the east coast and going to Hawaii) while bawwing about the president spending too much money!


bellichka March 30 2013, 01:30:06 UTC
oh hahahaha yeah I guess you know how it works, then ;)

Yeah it's totally hypocritical, but black dude communism black dude rabble rabble.


ladypolitik March 29 2013, 22:56:42 UTC
As always, leave it to right-wing reactionaries to be obsessive and hardcore champions of capitalism unless/until black people try to enjoy it.

The Anderson Cooper 360 segment -- featuring Cooper's fact-checking Bachman's whole "WE'Z PAYING FOR OBAMA'S LAVISH LIFESTYLE" claim, and Dana Bash chasing Bachman down -- was hilarious, by the way (link, in case the embed doesnt work):


brucelynn March 29 2013, 23:00:09 UTC


astridmyrna March 30 2013, 02:49:11 UTC
Ugh, that whole "press play" button made me want to smack her. Way to paint black people as spendthrifts AND lazy.


brucelynn March 29 2013, 23:06:36 UTC
I think it's gross how these adults obsess over these little girls .... it's really disturbing


kittenmommy March 30 2013, 17:40:54 UTC

Me too.


alryssa March 31 2013, 04:31:49 UTC
Thirding this. Especially after they were in uproar over any criticism of Bristol Palin.


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