Dredd: A Brilliant Portrayal of Women in Comics

Oct 04, 2012 22:05

An article of mine that I wrote for my own site with little intention has whipped up a storm of attention via twitter, and been reposted at the New Statesman, a national UK magazine that I've written for before in the past. The subject? The portrayal of women in a recent film ( Read more... )

graphic novels/comics, movies

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Comments 12

kitanabychoice October 4 2012, 21:15:58 UTC
The thing I would say to that commenter were I inclined to get my hackles up:

Absence of misogyny/sexism in film =/= film with genderless characters.

Of course men will complain about the one instance where women get to be portrayed as people and not cardboard cut-out representations of male desire and preferred aesthetic.


thalestral October 4 2012, 21:24:02 UTC
I find it incredible (albeit predictable) just how downright offended some guys are that someone dares to write about women rather than men or "people" which as we all know defaults to guys anyway. The fact that the "someone" is also a women (we're everywhere!!) just adds to their outrage.

I'm just a freelancer so I don't get it quite as bad, but writing about genre things as a woman makes you a magnet for hate comments and actual hate e-mails as well. It's lovely stuff :/


ameliorate October 4 2012, 22:02:09 UTC
I went to see it last week or the week before... something like that. I think opening weekend, and I was seriously pleased by her and Mama's portrayal. I would really love to get my hands on the comic books.


madwitch October 4 2012, 22:15:27 UTC
It's a weekly comic, but they do have Dredd collections at the 2000AD website. Though they're cheaper on Amazon. :)


thalestral October 4 2012, 23:09:56 UTC
Yes, the Case Files collections are ace (as are the Anderson books) and a fab mix of outright action, humour, politics, and the plain bizarre. Plus, dinosaurs!


suwiel October 4 2012, 22:32:13 UTC
I will definitely be seeing this!


blaiderunner October 4 2012, 23:37:26 UTC
Wasn't really interested in seeing it at first, but I think you just helped me figure out what to do with my evening. =D


pleasure_past October 5 2012, 00:05:46 UTC
Should we take this same genderless approach in say;

Health care - Alright! So this means that men will stop telling women that we're imaging our heart attacks, that it's immoral for us to remove an unwanted parasite from our bodies, that we either owe our bodies to our children or that we must refuse our children the best source of nourishment unless we want to be labeled perverts, that our weight is the cause of every health problem we have ever, that our health care is and should be more costly because our gender is a per-existing condition, and so much more, right? I'm down.

Family law - I'll take a step further. Let's have gender-neutral families. So let's create a world in which women don't stay home to raise the children vastly disproportionately to their male partners, where women aren't expected to do the vast majority of the chores even when they're working just as much as if not more than their male partners, where daughters are given the same inherent value as sons, where women are stereotyped as nurturers and forced to ( ... )


pleasure_past October 5 2012, 00:06:47 UTC
Should we, say, reduce funding for female only cancer research, and channel it to try and reduce the disproportionate male deaths from cancer. This funding doesn't come out of thin air, though. Like, breast cancer gets more funding because people disproportionately donate to breast cancer. If you want another type of cancer to get more funding, start a movement for it and get people to donate.

You know, now that the important comic book imbalance has been sorted. Ha. Oh, I wish. I'm not even a fan of comic books, and I really wish this were true.

I'm sure the ignored homless and suicidal men in the UK will be taking comfort from the reporting of this important issue. Women are significantly more likely to be suicidal. And, frankly, I hear absolutely jack-shit about that fact outside of feminist discussions. It's usually about the menz and how suicidal they are.

Ugh. Fucking MRAs. They must all know on some level that sexism against women still exists and is still prevalent, because virtually everything that site as sexism ( ... )


thalestral October 5 2012, 08:14:30 UTC
What is this logic?!

I agree that on some level they must know but they somehow manage to turn everything into how much worse it is for men. It'd be impressive if it wasn't so gross :/


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