Dredd: A Brilliant Portrayal of Women in Comics

Oct 04, 2012 22:05

An article of mine that I wrote for my own site with little intention has whipped up a storm of attention via twitter, and been reposted at the New Statesman, a national UK magazine that I've written for before in the past. The subject? The portrayal of women in a recent film ( Read more... )

graphic novels/comics, movies

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Comments 12

katyblue October 6 2012, 11:51:10 UTC
I really love it when people reply to feminist statements and articles with knee jerk masculinism and accusations of misandry. Have a problem with how men are treated? Thats cool, just don't bring it up while responding to something feminist because it makes you look like a complete tool.


kanimaki October 8 2012, 15:30:54 UTC
Wow I never expected films like this to be Bechdel passing! I think I will watch this instead of watching Looper a 3rd time then (Looper failed Bechdel which is the only thing I dislike about it). I had never planned to watch this because I thought it would be 2 hours of macho gun-fighting by all men (there were no trailers of this film in the cinema or if there were I didn't catch them for some reason - I go to the cinemas a lot). Glad that I'm wrong.


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