Dredd: A Brilliant Portrayal of Women in Comics

Oct 04, 2012 22:05

An article of mine that I wrote for my own site with little intention has whipped up a storm of attention via twitter, and been reposted at the New Statesman, a national UK magazine that I've written for before in the past. The subject? The portrayal of women in a recent film.

Dredd 3D to be exact, and in place of my usual wails and gnashing of teeth, this piece is actually a celebration of a film that's done it right!

"Put simply, and this is extraordinary, there is no difference between the portrayal of male and female characters in this film. The women are not sexualised, weaker, shown less, or more emotional, and their wardrobes are genderless, but neither are they simply rendered as personality devoid hard-asses... The women characters are excellent characters who happen to be women."

Full article: Dredd: A Brilliant Portrayal of Women in Comics

It's Bechdel passing, boot stomping awesomeness, and as a comics journalist and academic who specialises in women and feminism in comics, I'm beyond delighted as you can imagine! I'd encourage anyone (who enjoys ultra-violent films) to go see this and encourage their friends to do so as well. If you enjoy it, please share your thoughts, on facebook, twitter, livejournal, anywhere! It's having trouble making budget in the US, and it needs to do so to get sequels made.

Big surprise that the first comment on the New Statesman copy is from a butthurt dude ¬___¬

graphic novels/comics, movies

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