Say Whaaa? US Senator: “Gay People and Unmarried Mothers Shouldn’t Teach”

Oct 07, 2010 20:08

Last week, Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina), reiterated his belief, first spouted in 2004, that openly gay people and unmarried straight women who are sexually active shouldn’t be allowed to teach in schools. DeMint made the remarks during a 45-minute speech at the Greater Freedom Rally in his home state regarding a range of issues ( Read more... )

lgbt, north america, o i c, politics

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Comments 43

apricotflower October 7 2010, 07:17:38 UTC

I guess I get the gay part, since you know, homophobia, but unmarried women?? Wow.

I wonder if unmarried gay women would be allowed, since you know, double negative! Eh, probably not.


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apricotflower October 7 2010, 07:28:29 UTC
damned if you do, damned if you don't!

I mean, I guess I'm just mostly shocked that these things happen today. Not so much with the homophobia - disappointed and full of rage, but at least I know about it - but at how women's sexuality unless 'properly confined' in a marriage with a man could be threatening to children and teenagers. Puke.


acrimonyastraea October 7 2010, 14:00:29 UTC
I have a friend who used to be my teacher in Jr High, and we've talked a lot about the atmosphere for teaches because of her experiences and because a few years ago her daughter began her first year of teaching. It was so disheartening (though I probably shouldn't have been surprised) to hear how women who are teachers are watched very closely by other teachers, parents, and members of the community - especially in smaller towns. She said she felt like she needed to tell her daughter to watch who she's friends with, who she is seen dating, etc etc. And yes, being single and sleeping with a man can get a woman teacher in trouble in a small town.


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herbalriver October 7 2010, 08:39:47 UTC
Cool story: I got of it by 6th grade......... because my friends poisoned me with fanfiction.


mythrai October 7 2010, 15:32:03 UTC
I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you're saying here?


darkmanifest October 7 2010, 15:41:41 UTC
I think s/he's saying s/he grew out of the "ew gays" ignorant mindset early thanks to fanfic slash. God bless slash.


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apricotflower October 7 2010, 07:37:31 UTC
I bet your very presence in the classroom turned all the students into deviants. Before we know it they'll turn into anarchistic satanistic pregnant queer teens. With no respect for their elders.


dealatedwren October 7 2010, 21:33:04 UTC


jiaren_shadow October 7 2010, 11:46:53 UTC
I don't even want to get married and I identify as queer! I'll bet that that alone has made all the kids I taught Taekwondo to a couple years back turn into gay socialist Satan worshipers.


andnightsgrow October 7 2010, 07:50:40 UTC
what the fuck, up until about 80 years ago unmarried women were about the only people who DID teach

...and i wish i had more eloquent scathing things to say about this but as a music ed major this is making me so furious i can't think of anything


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flourish October 7 2010, 15:09:02 UTC
This is making me think of the woman in the news recently - who was once a prostitute and was writing about her experiences and later became a teacher. SHOCK and PEARL-CLUTCHING, this type of person whose lady parts have been befouled by PAYING MEN should never be allowed in a CLASSROOM. God only knows that we don't want smart women who are thinking critically about their own life experience teaching our children.


mybluesunset October 7 2010, 08:30:04 UTC
Things like this make me retreat into "okay this can't possibly be real life" denial mode.


jiaren_shadow October 7 2010, 11:43:40 UTC
Between this shit and the Utah miscarriage law, I'm trying desperately to keep saying "no way, people cannot be that far gone, people cannot think that The Handmaid's Tale is a good model for society, no way, people are rational and would never do something that outrageous...", and it's really not holding too much water anymore.


drummingsong October 7 2010, 16:42:43 UTC
Utah miscarriage law?


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