Say Whaaa? US Senator: “Gay People and Unmarried Mothers Shouldn’t Teach”

Oct 07, 2010 20:08

Last week, Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina), reiterated his belief, first spouted in 2004, that openly gay people and unmarried straight women who are sexually active shouldn’t be allowed to teach in schools. DeMint made the remarks during a 45-minute speech at the Greater Freedom Rally in his home state regarding a range of issues.

According to the Spartanburg Herald-Journal, the senator “said if someone is openly homosexual, they shouldn’t be teaching in the classroom and he holds the same position on an unmarried woman who’s sleeping with her boyfriend - she shouldn’t be in the classroom.”

This is not the first time the junior Senator has made incredibly homophobic and hateful comments. In 2009 he told Bloomberg news that the thought of an openly gay or lesbian president is enough to make him want to vomit.

I can’t help but wonder- does DeMint think unmarried men who are sleeping with their girlfriend are equally unfit to teach? What about openly gay students in the school- should they be kicked out as well?

Read more at Feministing

Ugh ugh ugh. Because obviously gay teachers are just dangerous, not to mention these unmarried women with their ~sexual urges~ corrupting our delicate youth with their unmarried sexual activity... or something. IDK. I love the author's point re: unmarried men and whether DeMint holds the same opinion about then.

lgbt, north america, o i c, politics

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