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Comments 39

howcaniserveyou July 17 2008, 02:57:26 UTC
It hadn't been difficult to find her. Jinx had left behind her a long trail of savage destruction as she went-- a path of broken cars and twisted street lights. This part of the city had fallen quiet. People had seen the psychotic girl wreaking havoc as she walked down the street and either ran for their lives or hid silently inside. But Sebastian was not among those who ran or hid-- no. He had been looking for her ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday July 17 2008, 03:15:44 UTC
Hearing his footsteps, Jinx made no movement, still standing there with her arm straight in the air from when she had fired the gun. Her breathing was at a normal pace as was her heart. The only part of her that showed life as he approached was the fact that her eyes continued to glow, that the ground was still breaking. She was ruthless, untamed, an imperfect weapon of destruction, a sorceress of bad luck, an assassin on her own agenda now. With this move, the Monacello family would not be pleased. An assassin that had been working for them for nearly a decade was no comparison to the butler hired by Ichimaru Gin himself. It was favoritism. After this move, they may even call her rogue. It did not matter any longer ( ... )


howcaniserveyou July 17 2008, 05:21:26 UTC
A gun was a mundane enough weapon that Sebastian had dealt with many of its kind over the three hundred or so years of his existence. Bullets were trivial. Without so much as a thought or hesitation, the so-called demon butler performed three back flips, dodging the stream of bullets with flawless speed. Still, Jinx had gained some distance between them, and it looked like she was preparing something far more interesting than mere bullets ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday July 17 2008, 05:49:51 UTC
Baring her teeth, snarling, her glowing eyes searched the surrounding area to see if she had hit him. Hearing his voice, she decided the answer was no. Gracefully, she spun around on one foot and came to look at the butler. He was completely unharmed; was there even a speck of dust on him? Parlor tricks... that was a new one. Seeing his smile, she prepared herself for what was yet to come. And what he did next was entirely unexpected. Quickly, she threw her gun to the side and cartwheeled out of the way, landing steady, perfect ( ... )


howcaniserveyou July 17 2008, 15:16:01 UTC
Sebastian seemed unfazed by the fact that a car was sliding towards him. It was going to take something more than such a toy to hurt him. It was a nuisance though, to dodge it and lose time. As the car accelerated towards him, the butler did not attempt to go around it but instead waited until the vehicle was nearly a foot from him. He flipped onto the hood, ran over the top of the moving car, and flipped off again ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday July 17 2008, 17:15:20 UTC
Jinx frowned a little, her eyes returning to their normal state, slit pupils and all. So, he managed to easily dodge everything. But she noticed a few things that made her grin. It appeared he had not been expecting this. Quite possibly by doing this, she was angering him. She had seen the suit jacket take the damage when he did acrobatics over her attacks. And that surprised her, that he could move just as she could. But it probably was a bit different on either side. Gravity was her bitch, after all. And the other thing that amused her was now the butler was wet. Now he weighed more, he was probably more frustrated, and it was funny ( ... )


howcaniserveyou July 18 2008, 03:43:14 UTC
Sebastian didn't wait to see if the first car door had hit its target-- in fact, if Jinx was any good, he expected that it wouldn't. No time to waste then. He promptly removed two more of the car's doors, lifting them without so much as breaking a sweat, though water still dripped from his hair and clothes. Armed with the detached doors, he continued to close distance between him and where Jinx was dodging his previous attacks ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday July 18 2008, 10:24:15 UTC
Jinx was good, and she did not want Sebastian to think otherwise. The only problem was her anger. When she was this infuriated, showing this much rage, she began to lose control. When her emotions went haywire, it did not matter how graceful the gymnastic movements of her body were prior. Now she was feral. Now she was uncontrolled. Her body began heating up, the adrenaline running high and her grace was nearly nonexistent. Yet while she was so unfocused, while she began to lose control, her display of fireworks grew stronger. Unlike her brother, she was not perfectly trained, she did not have control over her mind at all times. And when she was angry, frightened, this showed through strongly ( ... )


howcaniserveyou July 19 2008, 22:10:12 UTC
Sebastian glanced down at his bleeding arm. Such a superficial wound was already beginning to heal-- it would take something more serious than that to deter his body, the body that had lasted him nearly three centuries. Even from behind the car, he could see the sparks of his opponent's energy dancing out around them, uncontrolled and unpredictable. But he was closer to her now-- making gradual progress. He only had to keep pushing, and hope that his endurance would be enough to let him win ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday July 20 2008, 04:08:13 UTC
Seeing the car coming toward her, she screamed out in anger again. Instead of doing the smart thing and jumping over the vehicle, she chose to face it head on. Thrusting her hands out in front of her, she ripped apart the street down to the sewers, making a trench of the car could not go any further. But her stupidity was not without a price. One of the larger chunks of tar came flying at her, hitting her in the stomach, knocking her back. She tried to catch herself, but failed and skid on the ground, the skid tearing at her dress and leaving gashes in her skin ( ... )


howcaniserveyou July 20 2008, 06:26:53 UTC
It was disappointing to miss-- but nothing to dwell on. In fact, it seemed as if Jinx was doing more damage to herself than Sebastian himself was. Convenient, if she wasn't also ripping up everything up and down the street, including the area surrounding Sebastian. Not to mention, she was getting away from him again. What a nuisance.

Sewer water was rather irritating as well, especially when it was rushing up through the ground towards him. As if his usually flawless clothes weren't already ruined enough. He was not going to return to Master Gavin's home smelling like sewage. Crouching low, he abandoned his tire perch, rolling off to the side and back up into a sprint ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday July 20 2008, 06:53:23 UTC
This was surprising... how easily Sebastian used the objects around them to his advantage. While Jinx was just throwing things at him, tearing it to pieces, he was being wonderfully creative in attempting to slaughter her. And though many would like to think that a tactical mind was going to win against blunt force, that was probably not going to be true in this situation. He had not yet caused her much damage, for every part of her that was now bleeding was her own damn fault. But this last retaliation would hurt only him, kill him. And as he tried to close the distance between them, she knew it was time ( ... )


howcaniserveyou July 20 2008, 07:03:34 UTC
The lamppost made satisfying contact with Jinx's torso. It sounded like he might have broken one or two of her ribs-- a strong possibility, considering the combination of super-human strength and the weapon of choice. He cast the lamppost aside, preparing to follow after where the blow had thrown his opponent. Impressive, perhaps, or lucky, that she'd managed to save herself with an off-balance landing. But no matter. He wasn't going to give her a chance to get back up.

Unexpectedly, she lifted a hand towards him. On instinct, he did a flip backwards, half-thinking that she would attack him with one of her energy bursts. But her attacks came surprisingly sloppy-- big and flashy, but they all seemed to miss him. Almost as if on purpose. As if on purpose. And Sebastian was no fool. He knew what was coming ( ... )


tempestabianca July 20 2008, 07:12:41 UTC
There was an incredible and almost sudden rush of rather, surging forward towards Jinx and blocking her from any further possible attack against her already downed opponent. As the wave blasted through, Jushirou grabbed up Jinx in his arms, carried along with the water he had been able to summon forth...

It had been a hunch, really. A simple piecing together of similar pieces that happened to form a whole. The final act he witnessed only sealed the deal. Jinx WAS the rogue assassin he had been sent to find...not able to prove as much, of course, but with that kind of power and her assault of a known Monacello member, there was little room for other theories.

Now a good distance away from the battle scene, the water receded, leaving Jinx and Jushirou several blocks down and wet...and it seemed like it was going to start raining at any moment. Jushirou had to fight to keep his powers calm...his grip gentle.



hexyoutotuesday July 20 2008, 07:31:16 UTC
Laughing, insanity showing in full force, Jinx could not hear the water over the crashing of the building. "DIE!" she continued yelling angrily, joyously. If she were not so injured, she may have even been dancing at the time. She felt the water and thought that it was possibly raining, maybe it was from the water main she had broken. But all too suddenly she was grabbed. Pain seared through her body and she immediately began to fight, trying to get free, screaming, thrashing. Though before she could cause any damage, clarity finally came back to her glowing eyes and she saw Jushirou. He... he came ( ... )


tempestabianca July 20 2008, 07:52:14 UTC
Jushirou was...at a complete lost. The stress of her wounds and her battle dementia had destroyed her, it seemed. This was the same girl...just so far lost that he no longer recognized her. She needed to be treated an immediately...but not before he spent some time with her, holding her close to him. He projected an odd, calming pulse through his hands, hoping to ping the nerves in her system that might calm her state, even if only a little.


hexyoutotuesday July 20 2008, 08:12:36 UTC
The young assassin repeated the word "die" several more times before he held her closer. She stopped talking and began to cough up more blood, getting it on his clothing, her body trembling. A bloodied hand grabbing lightly to his chest, she coughed a few times more before saying, "He can't hurt us anymore. He was gonna hurt us but not anymore. He can't anymore. Not anymore.All to suddenly, her eyes grew wide as she felt something strange coursing through her body, something foreign. She gasped, arching her back just a bit, moaning with the pain. Her numb body then relaxed more in his arms, her breathing and heart rate slowing down enough that she did not look like she was about to die, not just yet. Her hand twitching, she continued to grasp onto his chest through his clothing, the water making the blood spread faster over the material ( ... )


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