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hexyoutotuesday July 17 2008, 17:15:20 UTC
Jinx frowned a little, her eyes returning to their normal state, slit pupils and all. So, he managed to easily dodge everything. But she noticed a few things that made her grin. It appeared he had not been expecting this. Quite possibly by doing this, she was angering him. She had seen the suit jacket take the damage when he did acrobatics over her attacks. And that surprised her, that he could move just as she could. But it probably was a bit different on either side. Gravity was her bitch, after all. And the other thing that amused her was now the butler was wet. Now he weighed more, he was probably more frustrated, and it was funny.

Thinking of comedy at a time like this was bad, though. With her amusement, she was one second slower, one second that could have been another attack before he got to make his. Her sharp eyes caught the gleam of something as he pulled the out of his sleeves. Throwing knives. What more was this man hiding? Gracefully, she did what was anticipated and sprung into he air effortlessly, letting the blades pass directly under her. She was growing tired of this dodging game. If he would just do something worthwhile then--

The assassin's eyes grew wide as she heard that terrible noise and looked to see as car door being quickly torn off its hinges and punted toward her. as an immediate reaction, she sprung into the air to try and avoid this, but it ended up catching her foot and completely destroying her concept of up and down. At first she cringed from the stinging pain, and then she bit her lip when she realized her head was soon going to collide with the pavement. Quickly, she put her arms out and caught herself on her hands, doing a beautiful front handspring with a bit of a spin, then landing crouched on the ground.

Snarling, she searched for him, wondering what he was doing during all this. And if her intuition was right, he was probably going to be right on top of her in just a moment. So quickly, in the most graceful of movements, she did a barrel roll, tucked and rolled forward, sprung to her feet and began to shoot waves of energy in sporadic bursts, random directions above her, around her, eyes glowing brightly.

"I am not going to let you leave here tonight," she said calmly, a lot growl in her throat. "I am not going to let you hurt my family, Sebastian." The ground around her began to tear apart and explode in bright blasts.


howcaniserveyou July 18 2008, 03:43:14 UTC
Sebastian didn't wait to see if the first car door had hit its target-- in fact, if Jinx was any good, he expected that it wouldn't. No time to waste then. He promptly removed two more of the car's doors, lifting them without so much as breaking a sweat, though water still dripped from his hair and clothes. Armed with the detached doors, he continued to close distance between him and where Jinx was dodging his previous attacks.

Unsurprisingly, he heard her voice. So she was still intact after all. And still kicking, apparently. "Ah, Miss Jinx," he replied lightly, hefting one of the doors into the air and kicking it into one of the energy blasts, diverting it so he could move in closer. "And I will not let you hurt mine." The ground was shaking under him. Hmm. Interesting.

But he was closer to her now. He couldn't give up ground. And he still had one more car door. It was almost virtually impossible to throw it at Jinx through all the bright blasts exploding through the road between them. But Sebastian was more creative then that. With a mere flex, he bent the car door, shattering the glass of its window and making a crude crescent shape.

Instead of using the power in his legs, the butler took the car door in two gloved hands, crouching low before twisting at the torso to throw it. It arced through the air, going towards Jinx at a curve. But the attack was not without a price to pay-- a nearby explosion of energy went off, nearly catching Sebastian as he attempted to dodge it, ducking behind another car.

He glanced down at his arm, feeling a mild something there-- pain, maybe, but he had always struggled to notice pain. The white sleeve of his shirt had been door, underneath it was blood. He'd been injured. Slight interest crossed his features. But it would heal soon enough.


hexyoutotuesday July 18 2008, 10:24:15 UTC
Jinx was good, and she did not want Sebastian to think otherwise. The only problem was her anger. When she was this infuriated, showing this much rage, she began to lose control. When her emotions went haywire, it did not matter how graceful the gymnastic movements of her body were prior. Now she was feral. Now she was uncontrolled. Her body began heating up, the adrenaline running high and her grace was nearly nonexistent. Yet while she was so unfocused, while she began to lose control, her display of fireworks grew stronger. Unlike her brother, she was not perfectly trained, she did not have control over her mind at all times. And when she was angry, frightened, this showed through strongly.

All the work she had been doing lately was melting away. Every time she tried to control her temper, it just bottled up more for this moment. Every time she had felt a flicker of energy and sent it into destroying another light bulb, it was useless in this moment. Trying to control this power was a task that could not be handled. All of the good moments, every time she smiled a true smile, every time she felt at peace in the arms of Shunsui after they made love...

...it all rotted away as the psychopath took control.

Her head cocking to the side, she abruptly stopped her rotations, standing very still as the area calmed. The interesting hunk of metal which she assumed was yet another car door did not bother her any longer. Jinx did not even try to dodge it. Sweeping her hand out, she deflected it with a surge of energy, and as the metal fell to the ground, it cracked and twisted. The veins in her arm pulsed but he could not see that. Her dress covered all her upper body with the exception of above the neck and her hands. Her leggings concealed the rest of her thin form. But her platformed shoe was scuffed and dented from where the first car door had hit, her sleeves getting tattered by her own abilities.

Jinx eyes were unfocused as they scanned the area. They blinked between the bright light and their normal state. If one could see inside her head, it would more than likely be an image of the gears breaking, jamming, coming apart. All the while she was screaming within, wanting to tear him limb from limb, and a smile cracked across her lips to show that.

"Sebastian... where did you go? Are you hiding from me Sebastian?" Grinning, she saw a fleck of white and threw her hand toward the car that showed the abnormality. The car that Sebastian had taken cover behind. It twisted and broke toward him, trying to engulf him. Grinning, then laughing, her eyes shining, she gripped her hand slowly with the ripping apart of the car. Pink energy flashed around her, breaking into the ground and tearing apart power lines below. Electricity surged toward the cursed automobile. Jinx cackled more. Her shoes that thick rubber soles, a few inches of it actually. She wore them for the fashion, for the addition to her height, but they also made it difficult for electricity to harm her.

"You know, it's not very nice to cut up the people someone else loves." She saw movement out of the corner of her eye. Paranoia set in. It may have been a rat in an alley, a bystander trying to escape the situation, but she threw another blade of energy in that direction. A lamppost fell backward into a building, crushing against the windows and brick. Another spot of movement, possibly a cat. Another surge of energy threw a car back against a stoop. She paranoia made her tear deeper into the streets, busting up the already spraying water main.

"And I should know it's not nice to cut people up. Because that's my job. I love seeing them squirm as they bleed out. I love watching them die. But not if it's boring. I hate it when it's fucking boring. I HATE IT!" Paying no regard to herself as she created a circle of destruction around her in the ground, pieces of shattered glass from the car doors came up around her, cutting at her clothing, leaving bloody scratches in her pale skin.


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