Cowboy Night

Apr 23, 2008 15:41

WHO: Schuldig (colpevole) ; Axel (fireveins) ; those who show up (full list to come!)
WHAT: Cowboy Night!
WHERE: The Warrior Princess
WHEN: Friday night


[ooc: Hey guys! This is an open thread, and the reason I'm putting it up now is so that everyone who wants to participate will have a chance to do so at their leisure, and work ( Read more... )

shagojyo, kristoph gavin, brad crawford, peter petrelli, guy cecil, adam monroe, elle bishop, dean winchester, tifa lockhart, cagalia, kurama/shuuichi, lenalee lee, aeris gainsborough, schuldig, claire bennet

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Comments 158

Schuldig was still setting up. So few people in Reggio Calabria ever came to this sort of join before at least 10, and that was pretty fucking early at that, but Schuldig and Axel still had to prepare for the occasional early bird who thought he was going to catch the bird.

A friend, maybe, or some loner who wanted to talk. Someone looking for information; to make a deal; to get drunk.

The sound of their boots clacking across the hard floor beat out the time to Patsy. Schuldig, personally, was expecting a few people-if they didn't show, he'd be pissed-and he was looking forward to Cowboy Night as an institution. He was also looking forward to shaking it like a Polaroid picture, but that was another story entirely, and for a time when more customers showed.


smokeeasy April 23 2008, 21:24:16 UTC
As weeks went, Badou's had been…well, not the worst. Hadn't had any guns pointed in his face this week, after all. Hadn't had the crap beaten out of him by someone who found him snooping outside their back window. Hadn't fallen off of any buildings.

He had, however, found himself in close proximity with the interior of several of the city's dumpsters on a few more occasions than he would have preferred. Badou hated dumpster duty, but you could get a lot of dirt on someone by sifting through their dirt. It was just afterwards-coming home smelling like their dirt-that he really couldn't stomach ( ... )


colpevole April 23 2008, 21:40:09 UTC
Whatever. Schuldig didn't judge. He was wearing--no joke--the world's most fucking hideous cowboy shirt in existence. No fringe, of course, but it was pretty fucking ugly all the same, in that irreverent way some people wore ugly, to make a statement that they didn't care. It was vintage okay? And by vintage, he meant from about twenty years ago, but that seemed like a long time to Schuldig anyway. Real vintage you just couldn't get anymore, unless you had money, and would Schuldig actually be working if he had money ( ... )


smokeeasy April 24 2008, 04:03:02 UTC
Open secret, one of many between the two of them: Schuldig could borrow anything in Badou's closet. Hell he could go ahead and borrow anything in Badou's fucking life and Badou would hardly bat an eye. And this coming from a guy who never gave anything away. But Schuldig was…well, he was Schuldig. It wasn't even like "Schuldig was special" because "special" would just cheapen it.

"Thought you might like it," he smiled, fringe swinging as he lifted his hand to the cigarette between his lips and then headed over to the bar.

He took a good long look at his friend-it wouldn't matter what you dressed him in, Badou thought hardly for the first time, there was nothing on earth that Schuldig couldn't pull off with style. Wasn't that what they said about…hell, Andy Warhol wasn't it? One of those famous artists from the old world Before Revelations who ate salad with his fingers and was just so fucking confident about it that no one even looked at him weird. Anyway, whoever. Point was, Schuldig could have done it. Ate salad with his fingers ( ... )


10:30 PM [TECHNO COWBOY REMIXES] colpevole April 23 2008, 19:42:44 UTC
Now they were getting somewhere.

It was always so depressing before you had a pre-established clientele, regulars at X, Y and Z o'clock, who would come at the usual time to order the usual drink and tell the usual jokes and laugh the usual laugh.

Schuldig was balancing the orders just fine, settling into his new routine, though he was starting to get a little hot under the brim of the cowboy hat. Also, the boots, which were smoking fine, weren't the best for running orders in.

He slid Axel a bottle of vodka down the length of the bar; he didn't even have to look up to check if Axel had it. Axel had it.

"What's cooler than being cool," he muttered, bending down to fish in one of the mini-fridges beneath the bar, "is not running out of fucking ice."


Re: 10:30 PM [TECHNO COWBOY REMIXES] ciechi April 23 2008, 20:21:32 UTC
Sometimes it was very difficult being surrounded by people who took their jobs so seriously.

It wasn't like Guy didn't get his job done, in a timely fashion, on a daily basis. It was just that he didn't understand why you couldn't do that and have a sense of humor at the same time! He couldn't help but thinking that all these serious people were going to be a terrible influence on Asch, who was already far too serious for his own good. It would make him think that it was all right to go through life like that, and that just wasn't cool. The kid was going to get all sorts of bad ideas!

Well, at least he was here. That was saying something--even if Asch wasn't saying anything. Guy adjusted his cowboy hat, grinning as they stepped into the bar.

Hell, it wasn't every night you got to party like it was the wild, wild West all over again. Guy believed in taking advantage of these sort of things. He also believed in costumes.

Dean was so good for costumes. The guy was like a bloodhound, tracking down the very best and cheesiest of


Re: 10:30 PM [TECHNO COWBOY REMIXES] canecieco April 23 2008, 20:32:46 UTC
Dean was a Vescovo; a pristine family dating back to...well, the beginning of fucking time. His mom was a classy lady from what he'd seen in photographs, and what he heard his dad said. His brother fit in what with having a stick up his ass all the time. Now, Dean? Dean loved his fucking family, no doubt about that, but there were times when he just needed to loosen up and go out for a drink with one of the guys.

Now, this is where the Vescovos were not so reliable save for a select few. Select few being sometimes Sammy, and most of the time, Guy.

He wasn't his. Hell, Guy was under Cross's command, but the two could still be seen hanging out at bars, playing cards, getting trashed. So far, Dean has found that Guy was the only other guy who could get the hint that maybe he wasn't being serious all the time.

The costumes, however, were serious ( ... )


Re: 10:30 PM [TECHNO COWBOY REMIXES] risonanza April 23 2008, 20:43:17 UTC
Asch did not approve of Guy's new friend. He was loud and he wore stupid things. But he was a caporegime, and sometimes you had to swallow your pride when it came to higher-ups. Or, at least, you had to shut up and not say anything because it would reflect poorly upon you and those who trained you. No matter how much Asch wanted to say, that hat is stupid.

That belt is stupid.

Those boots are so. Very. Stupid.

But Guy was friendly. God only knew why. Asch had never pretended to understand why Guy was the way he was and so long as it didn't make him inefficient then Asch had no problem with it. So long as they didn't try to talk to him, Asch had no problem with it.

He was here for a purpose. Tyki Fucking Mikk.

"Do whatever you want," Asch said, short and to the point; to Guy, not to Dean, because that would have been rude. "If anything happens," he added, and nodded towards one of the couches, where he took his seat without any further comment, folded his arms over his chest, and commenced waiting.


12:00 AM [FREE-FOR ALL INCLUDING OUTKAST & BRITNEY] colpevole April 23 2008, 19:43:17 UTC

The magical hour when the players came out to play.

It was when shit in Reggio Calabria really started going down-and if you were gonna have house patronage, you found out right about, oh, now, wasn't it?

Schuldig paused in the service to light up, to scan the new arrivals. A new round of drinks would be called for soon as the new customers filtered in, and he could take care of business, just like this wasn't their big night, make-or-break-the-bar kind of night. They needed a house behind them; they needed to become a haunt.

He closed his eyes, just for a second, to scan the crowd mentally this time; and he took that as an opportunity to rid himself, in preparation, of the heavy cowboy hat.

But not the boots. Never those.


Re: 12:00 AM [FREE-FOR ALL INCLUDING OUTKAST & BRITNEY] myscarsmiles April 24 2008, 01:34:12 UTC
Sheriff Kristoph Gavin?


At midnight, on the dot, Kristoph pushes open the door and sweeps towards Dean, sitting at the bar with Asch and Guy. He's actually remarkably dressed down, especially for going out to a public place, and he might have had vaguely gotten cowboy-dressed up. He's exchanged his suede shoes for an impressive pair of cowboy boots, and attached to the back are a pair of nasty-looking, sharp spurs that click when he walks. He doesn't have a tie on, either, wearing a black shirt with his typical blue blazer. He's also got on a sharp pair of white leather gloves, and attached to his lapel is a well-shined star. On it, says SHERIFF.

"Good evening, my friends."


Re: 12:00 AM [FREE-FOR ALL INCLUDING OUTKAST & BRITNEY] risparmiarsi April 24 2008, 02:08:23 UTC
People-watching had always been interesting, but at one point, even that got boring. Thank god the music was changing to something less... themed. She'd even danced now and then, and the crowd was growing. People she recognized, vaguely, showing up, but no one that she wanted to approach, at least not by themselves.

She didn't want to be the odd one out, after all.

But when the man who had been more than kind to her earlier that day showed up with a sheriff's badge on his chest, she frowned, brow furrowing just before she got up and leaned on the bar, cocking her head. "So sheriff it is, then?" she asked, surprise evident in her voice.


Re: 12:00 AM [FREE-FOR ALL INCLUDING OUTKAST & BRITNEY] canecieco April 24 2008, 02:12:29 UTC
Been there, and the power was just going to get started right on the dot - fucking midnight. Dean was psyched as all hell, and OK, maybe a little tipsy, but at least he didn't go overboard with the purple nurples.

He waved over Kristoph who actually got dressed up for the occasion. Fuck yes.

"Looking snazzy, there," he smirked, giving him a wink. "Got no sight of Tickles Mi - oh, hello there."

Pretty little blond thing saddled up next to Kristoph, and Dean had to give the guy a 'look' like 'Oh, hey. What's going on here?'

"Mind introducing us to your friend?"


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