Cowboy Night

Apr 23, 2008 15:41

WHO: Schuldig (colpevole) ; Axel (fireveins) ; those who show up (full list to come!)
WHAT: Cowboy Night!
WHERE: The Warrior Princess
WHEN: Friday night


[ooc: Hey guys! This is an open thread, and the reason I'm putting it up now is so that everyone who wants to participate will have a chance to do so at their leisure, and work ( Read more... )

shagojyo, kristoph gavin, brad crawford, peter petrelli, guy cecil, adam monroe, elle bishop, dean winchester, tifa lockhart, cagalia, kurama/shuuichi, lenalee lee, aeris gainsborough, schuldig, claire bennet

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12:00 AM [FREE-FOR ALL INCLUDING OUTKAST & BRITNEY] colpevole April 23 2008, 19:43:17 UTC

The magical hour when the players came out to play.

It was when shit in Reggio Calabria really started going down-and if you were gonna have house patronage, you found out right about, oh, now, wasn't it?

Schuldig paused in the service to light up, to scan the new arrivals. A new round of drinks would be called for soon as the new customers filtered in, and he could take care of business, just like this wasn't their big night, make-or-break-the-bar kind of night. They needed a house behind them; they needed to become a haunt.

He closed his eyes, just for a second, to scan the crowd mentally this time; and he took that as an opportunity to rid himself, in preparation, of the heavy cowboy hat.

But not the boots. Never those.


Re: 12:00 AM [FREE-FOR ALL INCLUDING OUTKAST & BRITNEY] myscarsmiles April 24 2008, 01:34:12 UTC
Sheriff Kristoph Gavin?


At midnight, on the dot, Kristoph pushes open the door and sweeps towards Dean, sitting at the bar with Asch and Guy. He's actually remarkably dressed down, especially for going out to a public place, and he might have had vaguely gotten cowboy-dressed up. He's exchanged his suede shoes for an impressive pair of cowboy boots, and attached to the back are a pair of nasty-looking, sharp spurs that click when he walks. He doesn't have a tie on, either, wearing a black shirt with his typical blue blazer. He's also got on a sharp pair of white leather gloves, and attached to his lapel is a well-shined star. On it, says SHERIFF.

"Good evening, my friends."


Re: 12:00 AM [FREE-FOR ALL INCLUDING OUTKAST & BRITNEY] risparmiarsi April 24 2008, 02:08:23 UTC
People-watching had always been interesting, but at one point, even that got boring. Thank god the music was changing to something less... themed. She'd even danced now and then, and the crowd was growing. People she recognized, vaguely, showing up, but no one that she wanted to approach, at least not by themselves.

She didn't want to be the odd one out, after all.

But when the man who had been more than kind to her earlier that day showed up with a sheriff's badge on his chest, she frowned, brow furrowing just before she got up and leaned on the bar, cocking her head. "So sheriff it is, then?" she asked, surprise evident in her voice.


Re: 12:00 AM [FREE-FOR ALL INCLUDING OUTKAST & BRITNEY] canecieco April 24 2008, 02:12:29 UTC
Been there, and the power was just going to get started right on the dot - fucking midnight. Dean was psyched as all hell, and OK, maybe a little tipsy, but at least he didn't go overboard with the purple nurples.

He waved over Kristoph who actually got dressed up for the occasion. Fuck yes.

"Looking snazzy, there," he smirked, giving him a wink. "Got no sight of Tickles Mi - oh, hello there."

Pretty little blond thing saddled up next to Kristoph, and Dean had to give the guy a 'look' like 'Oh, hey. What's going on here?'

"Mind introducing us to your friend?"


Re: 12:00 AM [FREE-FOR ALL INCLUDING OUTKAST & BRITNEY] myscarsmiles April 24 2008, 02:39:23 UTC
"Why, thank you, Mr. Winchester. I imagined I should get into the theme, plus, I think it's really all quite true, you know?" He wipes some invisible dust of the badge. "Or maybe it could come in handy..." He clicked his spurs together, eyes twinkling behind the glasses. "This is Claire. I spoke to her online earlier. Claire, this is Dean Winchester, a close friend of mine."


Re: 12:00 AM [FREE-FOR ALL INCLUDING OUTKAST & BRITNEY] risparmiarsi April 24 2008, 02:59:27 UTC
"I sure hope you are! Otherwise this town will go to all hell!" she said, tipping the bright pink hat to him with a smile, just in time to turn to the handsome stranger.

"Mm, nice to meet you Dean," she said, nodding with another bright smile, holding her hand out for him to shake.

...huh. A close friend, hm?

Kristoph got a bemused sort of smile.

Claire really flushed too easily. She hadn't even had one drink the whole evening as it were!


Re: 12:00 AM [FREE-FOR ALL INCLUDING OUTKAST & BRITNEY] myscarsmiles April 24 2008, 03:53:20 UTC
That makes him laugh. If he were to be enforcing justice? He can most certainly think of people he'd be enforcing it on. Some people he should see here soon come to mind..... He settles into an amused smile at her antics.

"Well, that's true. I'll try to keep this place out of any more hell than it is currently in in my time as sheriff, all right?" He chuckles a bit at her blush, arching an eyebrow. What does she think, he wonders. Him and Winchester knocking boots? Amusing, perhaps - maybe even a thought to pursue when there are less important matters - but not exactly reality. "Can I buy you a drink, cowgirl?"


Re: 12:00 AM [FREE-FOR ALL INCLUDING OUTKAST & BRITNEY] canecieco April 24 2008, 04:02:57 UTC
"Claire? That's a pretty name, Claire." He smiled, eyeing up the girl. Petite, blond, with an interest in the color pink. She looked young though, hopefully not illegal. Dean could use some fun after the party, but...well, if this was Kristoph's, then OK - he can back off. Just for tonight.

He shook his head. "Town's already gone to Hell. Have you seen the headlines?"


Re: 12:00 AM [FREE-FOR ALL INCLUDING OUTKAST & BRITNEY] risparmiarsi April 24 2008, 05:20:59 UTC
"Sounds like a plan," she said, smiling. "There's never enough order around here."

Although, god, that would be down the drain the second Detective Usaki would show up.

"If I say yes, you'll keep tabs on me," she laughed. "And when I start drinking, bad things tend to happen. I wouldn't want to wake up somewhere next morning that I didn't recognize. Thank you for the offer, though."

Or... dead, naked, and raped. You know, the usual.

"Thank you," she told him, blushing brightly as she smiled. "I'd guess that you'd consider me saying Dean was a pretty name would... probably backfire, so we'll just say that it suits you, yeah?"

Nodding at Dean's comment, she made a face. "Not like I can do much about it. I'm just a secretary."


Re: 12:00 AM [FREE-FOR ALL INCLUDING OUTKAST & BRITNEY] canecieco April 24 2008, 05:25:39 UTC
Dean laughed. He liked this girl. Dumb joke, but cute though.

"Come on. Have a drink on us. We promise we won't let you get too hammered," he backed Kristoph up. Gotta give the guy some help. Family's family after all.

And a cute secretary too. Woo, he landed a plain Jane. Innocent, young thing straight from the movies. This was too much.

"Secretary? Swore you were a model. I'm a mechanic, myself."

'Mechanic'. Ha.


Re: 12:00 AM [FREE-FOR ALL INCLUDING OUTKAST & BRITNEY] risparmiarsi April 24 2008, 06:06:38 UTC
"Both of you, huh? Well, okay, but that means you're responsible for the messes I get myself in," she said, smirking.

"Oh, flattery. I see where this is going. I take it you do this a lot?" Moving to pull up a seat beside them, she smiled again. "Funny thing is, Kristoph told me the same thing. But I don't know if I can trust charmers like you. Hmm. I'll have to think about it."

Ha, a mechanic. "Oh, so you like to get down and dirty, hm?"

He seemed the type. Eh. Sort of.


Re: 12:00 AM [FREE-FOR ALL INCLUDING OUTKAST & BRITNEY] myscarsmiles April 24 2008, 14:47:56 UTC
Kristoph appreciates you not taking his girls, Dean. He'll buy you a drink. He orders himself a vodka on the rocks with an olive and Dean another purple nurple or two.

"I've cleaned up a couple of messes in my day, Miss Claire, and I assure you, I"m fantastic at it. Rest assured, I will keep you away from as much mess as I can." He smirks a bit, mentally thinking about all the messes he's cleaned up. And with that, he orders her a rum and coke. Easy on the rum, though. He's got business here, and it can't involve plastered girls getting in his way.

He pauses to look around. It's a nice place, here, and the booths especially catch his eye. He'll talk to the sotto about it. He smiles at the red-headed bartender as he's handed the drinks, handing them to their respective new owners. He can't help but look the other way and roll his eyes at Dean's clever terminology. A mechanic, Dean. Really.

"We're completely trustworthy, I promise," he says, smiling quite genuinely, one gloved hand over his drink. "What would a couple of gentleman ( ... )


Re: 12:00 AM [FREE-FOR ALL INCLUDING OUTKAST & BRITNEY] canecieco April 24 2008, 21:37:18 UTC
"You can say that." He smirked, accepting the drink from Kristoph. Good guy buying drinks for his brother from another mother. And down the chute we go with purple nurple number I-fucking-lost-count.

Jesus Christ, if those Monacellos didn't show up, Dean was going to be drunk off his ass by the end of the night. And shooting the bartenders. Just for good measure.

Well, he's got this pretty thing to distract him from doing anything too drastic before things called for...well...too drastic.

"Have you done a lot of dancing tonight, cowgirl?


Re: 12:00 AM [FREE-FOR ALL INCLUDING OUTKAST & BRITNEY] risparmiarsi April 24 2008, 21:58:08 UTC
"I'm counting on it," she told Kristoph with another carefully guarded smile. There'd be a lot of careful, slow drinking tonight. Deliberate. For all she knew, she could be nursing the same... ah, well, coke and rum it was... all night long.

Accepting it with a smile, she took a small sip.

"I wouldn't put it past you, certainly," she told him then, one elbow leaning on the counter as she swirled her drink around absently. "But I can't imagine you getting too lucky trying that trick on me. I'm not so delicate."

Calculated, careful-- not giving too much away. She wasn't Detective Elle, after all.

Past midnight and still nothing. Next time she'd go undercover she should consider using washout hair-dye. Get a few bottles... couldn't hurt. Especially what with Elle there as well, no matter where she'd consider going. She'd probably get told on. Who knew. Something to consider, perhaps.

"Me?" she asked, turning to smile at Dean. "Nah, not too much. Just enough to fit in and not look like a total social pariah. You dance?"


Re: 12:00 AM [FREE-FOR ALL INCLUDING OUTKAST & BRITNEY] myscarsmiles April 24 2008, 22:11:47 UTC
"Don't worry about it. I promise, I've no reason to attack you with my charm attacks, aside from perhaps your beauty." He sips his own drink, quite satisfied to let Dean dance with Claire. He'll, you know, be careful and watch for Monacellos. Dean can continue fucking off, and Kristoph will be diligent. You know, just being themselves. "Oh, got some fight in you?" He arches an eyebrow, and looks amused.


Re: 12:00 AM [FREE-FOR ALL INCLUDING OUTKAST & BRITNEY] canecieco April 24 2008, 22:47:42 UTC
"Do I? Only after a couple of drinks." Dean laughed, and took his second shot. Dizzy, gotta shake his head a little, but he'll be fine for the evening. He's not a lightweight. Not by a long shot unlike Mr. Sammypants. Speaking of which, lame-o decided not to show up of course.

Laaame. Oh well, more chicks, booze, and action for Dean.

"Lucky for you, already had enough." He extended his arm for Claire to take, charming smile still on his face as always. "Shall we?"


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