Title: Crashing Paradise
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh
Pairing: Yami no Malik/Yami no Bakura
Word Count: 6,047
Summary: At the end of the YGO series, YnBakura is locked away in the Shadow Realm forever. Unfortunately, YnMalik isn't too pleased at the unexpected company, so the two of them decide to gatecrash Paradise so that they can get their revenge on the
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Comments 17
...see, that's the kind of reasoning that makes sense to me at 4AM. ^^;
To top it off, I don't know what you were talking about earlier--I found it quite hilarious, quite frankly. It made me laugh, and considering I needed to laugh, that was great. Usually when I need to laugh, it's hard to get me to. Don't know why ( ... )
As for IC, I tend to use different interpretations of them depending on what genre I'm writing. Luckily for me, they've both shown plenty of different sides so I can get away with making them more human in some fics and less in others. And yeah, it wouldn't be anywhere near as much if I had been explicit about what they'd been doing to shock Atemu like that.
Neko, I asked for con. crit. That means telling me when stuff seems off - like I said, I wasn't too happy with the middle of the fic myself so it's good to have someone suggest a possible reason for it. As for Atemu, I was originally going to have them push him into the river, then discuss the chances of everyone getting eating by spiritual crocodiles while trying to save him, but then I just couldn't figure out how to get the psychoshipping in there. And for some reason, the idea of Atemu playing matchmaker just to get them the hell out of Paradise (no pun intended) amused me by its irony ( ... )
YnMalik, I find more interesting than YnBakura, so that's why I focus more on me. Personally, my theory towards YnMalik is similar - he's basically a shadow from the Shadow Realm, and Malik's hatred gave him enough strength to come to life and possess Malik. So he'd be the darkness, not YnBakura, since he's the one that was born from a shadow.
Nice to hear from a fellow psychoshipping fan.
Yeah its nice to hear from you too. I took your advice and made it so anonymous people can reply now to my story. Though I finally made my decision to keep Yami no Malik as seme.
Do you know where I can find and read more pyschoshipping stories?
Y.BakuraY.Malik fan
Sorry for the short comment, I did really enjoy this.
I very much did. Honestly, regardless of organized religions, I wouldn't be surprised if it was something like that *shrugs*
I still laughed out loud during this... a lot. And went "awww" and just... I was much amused... I saw a lot of things that sounded familiar, but just... was so amusing... so very amusing.
And yay for making you happy. It was mostly you and Neko that I was thinking of while I wrote this.
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