[Application: Gargleblasted] Floe - Simoun

Aug 14, 2010 18:01


Name: Mizure
Are you over 16?: Yup yup.
Personal LJ: mizure
Email: mistress_of_azure@yahoo.com
Timezone: Pacific
Other contact: AIM: m1zure
Characters already in the game: Kaoru | blacksheepgirl
How did you find us?: I can still blame friends even though I'm already in the game, right? 8'D


Character name: Floe
Fandom: Simoun
Timeline: Episode 24, on the way to the Spring.
Age: 16

~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: The only "supernatural" kind of talent she has is the ability to pilot the Simoun airships, which is merely an effect of not having chosen a gender (see below) and won't ever really matter in game. She isn't a physical fighter, but she DID pilot an airship in her country's most elite group and has some tactical experience from being in a war. Aside from that, Floe can offer to her fellow refugees her bounciness, loudness, fangirling and romantic advice! Disclaimer: following Floe's advice may or may not make everything worse.
How would they use their abilities?: Ruining Assisting in the romantic efforts of all the ships residents, whether they like it or not, forever. 8D

Appearance: Just shy of 5 feet, Floe is a short, round-faced, cute looking girl with bright blue eyes and long, bright orange hair that's just as bubbly as she is (seriously, look at this stuff). She wears her hair with two little pigtails on top and pink ribbons, and her outfits are "trendy" in that goofy anime way and rather lacking in modesty. Midriff baring shirts with underwear and tights is totally normal, right? Well, maybe for mecha pilots.

Background/Personality: Wikipedia has a fairly in-depth summary of the series if you want a lot of detail but I'll give you a short version. Floe is one of the "sibyllae", or priestesses, who fly sacred airships called Simoun. On this world, Daikuriku, all people are born female, and choose a permanent sex when they become an adult at the age of 17. Only girls who have not yet chosen a sex are capable of flying the Simoun. They power the ships by kissing. I'm not kidding.

Traditionally, the priestesses flew the Simoun in order to offer prayers to their god in the form of symbols called Ri Maajons that they draw in the air. During the time of the series, however, their country is at war with its neighbors, and the destructive powers of the Simoun are their primary defense. So yes, they are basically using the lesbianism of nubile young girls as a weapon. No, it's really not a hentai series, not at all. I swear to god. Don't look at me like that.
At first glance, Floe seems to be your typical, overly cheerful girl. At second glance, however...well, she's still your typical overly cheerful girl. Sure, if you dig reeeal deep down you'll find a few stray insecurities, but for the most part what you see is what you get. Floe is bubbly and cute, and there's not much else to it. At best, she's optimistic and outgoing. At worst, she's obnoxious and loud. But no matter what, Floe doesn't care a bit what you think of her. She's confident and self-assured, even rather full of herself, but more than that she's always energetic and ready to have fun.

Floe is very honest and open with her feelings, never holding back what she thinks, even coming across as tactless at times, though she doesn't usually mean to be unkind. She's incredibly free-spirited and upfront. This is in contrast with many of the other characters, because as priestesses, the girls are expected to be quiet, elegant, and refined. Floe ignores this completely. Social norms, what social norms? Floe is always living freely. A major indicator of this is the fact that she's a huge flirt, shattering the common perspective of the priestesses as sacred and untouchable beings. Floe quickly becomes attached to people and is always looking to make friends, and easily becomes infatuated with every "cool" person who comes along. Other people sometimes call her on these crushes, hinting that she's developing a bad reputation because of it, but Floe is quick to become defensive on that subject. She insists that she isn't a tease, only flirting with people she really likes, and is "always serious" about her relationships.

Floe loves love. She loves the idea of being in love, and she's a true romantic through and through. She has a habit of butting in on others' personal lives and dispensing advice when she senses trouble brewing. Most of her advice is pretty superficial ("if she's talking too much, shut her up with your mouth! 8D"), but despite her ditzy, dense exterior, Floe is actually more perceptive than she lets on.

Floe is super friendly, but she's also very bossy and loud, and you really wouldn't want to deal with her when she gets in a foul mood. She's also something of a spoiled brat. Being from a somewhat higher-class family, she's used to luxury and comfortable living, and she's certainly not above complaining - loudly - when she doesn't get it. She's also prone to ridiculous mood swings, and can often be found pouting, sulking, and whining melodramatically when she doesn't get her way. She is deeply affected by sadness as well, but refuses to let it hold her down for long, always doing her best to look on the bright side of things. It's easy for her to get pissed off but hard for her to hold a grudge.

She hates the war, and she hates fighting and killing, but for the most part she just doesn't think about it. She avoids agonizing over what she has to do by reminding herself that if she doesn't fight, people will die. This thought is usually enough to set her mind at ease and lets her remove herself emotionally from the battle as long as she doesn't dwell on it. Once she has stopped thinking about the fact that she is actually fighting a war, she becomes very competitive and likes to trash talk the enemy, to the amusement/annoyance of her fellow pilots. Really though, she'd rather just fly around and have fun than fight. Or work. Or have any responsibility whatsoever. Basically, she's kind of a flake. She knows how to take things seriously when she needs to...she just doesn't want to.

As was said before, there isn't much to Floe beyond what you see on the surface. This isn't because she's shallow (although, let's face it, she really is kind of shallow), but rather because she's so honest and open that she doesn't ever feel the need to hide how she feels. She does have some insecurity - she's aware of what people might say about her wild and "improper" behavior, and she worries occasionally - and only very occasionally - that they might be right about her. But she doesn't worry about it for long, because Floe believes strongly in her own feelings, and she knows who she is no matter what people say.

Why should that character be in this game: N/A

Why do you want to continue their history here: N/A

For applicants considering an alternate version of a character already in game, please use this as your chance to explain the key differences between your character and the one already in play: N/A

Have you read up on how the game works?: Flaming Ferret! Characters can do missions, freelance, or mooch! Floe will probably do the missions and just complain loudly about it.

1st person sample: How does this stupid thing- is it even on- Ooh, forget it! This better be working!

[Brace yourselves, S.S. Thor passengers; because in the next second there is a high pitched, angry SHRIEK.]

HEY YOU! WHOEVER'S LISTENING TO THIS! WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA?! What do they mean the world got destroyed? What, it just blew up? No way, no way! That's not even possible! What kind of dumb joke is this? It's not funny at all!

And where am I, anyway? This isn't the Arcus Prima...where did everybody go? Those gross looking things wouldn't tell me anything! They just kept saying the world was destroyed...that doesn't even makes sense! [OBNOXIOUS WHINY NOISE GOES HERE.]

3rd person sample: Floe stormed down the hall, glancing back every few seconds at the rooming list she'd been given, comparing the numbers to the ones she passed and growing increasingly frustrated. This was so lame. And it was starting to feel like she'd been walking for hours. Those jerks! How could they expect a poor, delicate girl to find her way around all by herself? She'd kick their asses when she saw them again!

After she found her room, at least. It was proving surprisingly difficult to locate. She'd never seen a ship like this before. She could barely even tell it was a ship. As far as she could see, it seemed more like a whole city. This place was huge- at least ten times bigger than the Arcus Prima. A hundred times, maybe!

She was momentarily awed by that thought before she turned a corner and realized she was lost again.

"AAARGH! I can't take it anymore!" she complained loudly, kicking the nearest wall "That's it! I'm not going anywhere else until someone tells me what's going on, got it?" She spun around and stopped right there in the middle of the hall, planting her feet firmly and crossing her arms over her chest, glaring defiantly around her.

The only people in the area, a few stray aliens that happened to be passing by, ignored her completely.

The orange haired girl deflated, pouting and checking the list again. She'd already read through it a good dozen times. But she checked again anyway, anger melting away as her eyes skimmed past the same unfamiliar names. No Aaeru. No Alti, no Neviril, no nobody. Not one name from the Arcus Prima could be found. She found herself thinking about the story she'd been told; the world couldn't possibly have been destroyed like that. How? There was no way. But...what if it had? If everything was just gone...if everybody was...

"No way! Like it'd really get blown up after all the trouble we went through. That's just stupid. Hmph!" She tossed a lock of hair over her shoulder dramatically and turned her nose up before stomping away down the hall. She'd check the names again later. Maybe her room was around the next corner.

Questions?: Can Floe bring her Simoun? She wouldn't be able to fly it unless someone from her series showed up because it can only be turned on if two girls who haven't chosen their gender kiss. Alternatively, she could bring a Simile (a smaller, imitation Simoun with no magic powers that can be flown by anyone regardless of gender, used for transportation) which would make more sense, since she had one with her at the canon point I'm bringing her from. I don't think they'd let her fly it on the ship, though, so either way it'd probably just sit around and look pretty... XD;;
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: I will when I actually post this.

muse: floe, application, rp: gargleblasted

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