
Dec 05, 2010 16:34

Title: Fallen
Pairing: Yonghwa/Seohyun
Genre: Angst
Rating: g
Summary: Yonghwa misses her and wonders if she misses him too

She haunted his every thought. When he slept, she appeared to him in his dreams, her eyes sparkling as her gentle voice called out his name. "Yong"

On some nights, she called him by the name he wanted. "Yonghwa-ya". On those nights, the emptiness he felt in his chest was unbearable and he would rise from his bed and sit at his desk to pen words describing how he was feeling. They would no doubt be good material for new songs. On other nights, he'd turn on his keyboard or his guitar, put on his headphones and come up with riffs to make use of the emotions that flowed out of him. After he purged every last feeling and thought about her, he'd return to his bed, clutching his juk-buin before falling back asleep, her name escaping his lips one last time before night embraced him in slumber.

His heart yearned for her and as the days and weeks dragged on, the dull ache began to sharpen until one day, he couldn't breathe. While he and his members practiced, an image of her floated into his mind. He told the members he needed a break. He put down his guitar and walked quickly out of the practice room, running down the corridor until he was safely locked away in a bathroom stall. He bent over, placing his hands on his knees as he took deep breaths to overcome the episode.

He resolved he had to do something about it. It was a conversation to be had face-to-face, where he would get to the bottom of it all.

She sat beside him on a bench at the SBS studio during a break, munching on her sweet potato as she read her book. Not taking her eyes of the page, she reached into her bag and pulled another sweet potato out for him, which he accepted without question.

"What are you reading, Hyunie?"

She inched closer to him, their thighs touching. She held her place in the book and quickly showed him the cover and title, watching him as he read. She nodded at him when he acknowledged that he was done reading. She returned to her spot, bringing the book closer so that it rested between them so that he could read too.

As she read, he felt the warmth of her body against his and the smell of her shampoo filled his nostrils. He looked at her face, studying her features. She had fallen back into concentration, not even noticing him looking at her and he began to swell with emotion. He was reminded of the countless days and nights since they last met, when she dominated his thoughts. It wasn't fair. He was suffering from insomnia and panic attacks without her, while she remained unaffected, not even batting an eyelash or having some reaction with him around.

He reached for her hand and stood up, pulling her. She was startled and said, "What are you doing?"

He didn't say a word and instead, just pulled her. She had no choice but to follow. He led her outside to a balcony overlooking the city. When he turned to face her, she was leaning against the railing, her eyes searching his for an explanation. They were away from the prying eyes of managers, members, and the rest of the world. He swiftly and boldly stepped toward her, cradling her face in his hands. He looked her in the eyes and brought his lips down on to hers.

She stiffened under his touch, but did not protest, reciprocating his kiss. He pulled away from her and hugged her closely.

"Do you even know the effect you have on me? I can't think. I can't sleep. I can't do anything without the thought of you crossing my mind."

She sat silently in his embrace, as if waiting for him to expel all thoughts and feelings before she spoke. She brought her hands to his waist as she waited and he shuddered at her touch.

"Why is it that you are unaffected by me? How can you sit there so calmly, eating sweet potato and reading a book, while I'm beside you? Do I not have an effect on you?" He sighed and began to loosen his arms around her, but at that time, she wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him tightly.

"I think about you all the time, oppa. Constantly."

"Then why...?"

She cut him off and shook her head.

"It would be too unbearable to give in to those thoughts, Yong. I would never be able to..."

She stopped and he understood.

"I told you. I love you and I always will, oppa. You're my husband."

He averted his gaze, tears falling from his eyes and when he looked up, she was gone.

It was the day of their anniversary and he dropped to his knees, hugging himself. He dropped his head and cried on the balcony like he did that night when she told him she would love him forever. He was suddenly swept up in a flood of their memories, the final being her holding his hand with all the strength she could muster as she reassured him she would always be with him. That night the glimmer in her eyes faded away and a large part of him went with her.

He knew he would never be the same again and he never was.  

senseless kissing, one-shot, romance, pg-13, angst, yongseo

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