Uncle Jonghyun

Dec 02, 2010 08:28

Title: Uncle Jonghyun
Pairing: Yonghwa/Seohyun, Jonghyun
Genre: Comedy
Rating: g
Summary: Child care fell through

They were in a bind. They both had professional commitments on the same night. He was promoting his new drama and she had an appearance with SNSD on a recorded music show. Her parents were out of town, visiting friends in Ilsan, so there was no one they trusted who was readily available to help.

They settled into bed the night before. Once under the covers, Yonghwa spoke carefully as Seohyun opened a book to read before going to bed.

"Maybe there's already someone we know who can babysit?"


He continued. "Someone we won't have to pay."


"Someone who will take excellent care of her."


"What about Jonghyun?"

Seohyun sat up with a start and looked at her husband.

"Why are you glaring at me like that?"

Seohyun remembers the last time Yonghwa asked his CN Blue member, Jonghyun, to take care of their daughter. They came back that night and he had indulged the toddler's every whim. They spent all day out and about Seoul. They went to the park, had ice cream, went shopping for everything imaginable; toys and clothes and books and musical instruments. And when they returned home, they found them sitting on the couch reading a book a together. They called their daughter to them, but she remained fixed at Jonghyun's side, staring at them as if she didn't know them. When Jonghyun was preparing to leave, she followed him, grabbing his hand thinking she would be going with him. When she found out she would be left behind, she begged him to take her with him. For the rest of the week, she cried, rejecting her parents, and asking constantly for Uncle Jonghyun.

Jonghyun laughed on the phone with the couple when they were at their wits' end and needed his advice on how to appease her. "I didn't bribe her. I'm just really good with kids."

They both knew they didn't have options, so she reluctantly agreed. Yonghwa picked up the phone and dialed Jonghyun's number while she crossed her arms and pouted. The call wasn't long. Jonghyun was available and only too happy to help and hang out with his favorite niece.

This was not going to be an easy week. Not by a long shot.

one-shot, comedy, fluff, g, yongseo

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