A Little Help, Please?

Nov 30, 2010 20:48

Title: A Little Help, Please?
Pairing: Yonghwa/Seohyun
Genre: Comedy
Rating: g
Summary: Yonghwa needs someone to stand by him. Anyone.

"Please don't look at me that way... Your big brown eyes break down my defenses."
"Your shampoo is a little strong. Is it possible for you to find something that's a bit more... plain?"
"Speaking of hair, that hairstyle is a little, yeah, so maybe you can tone it down so I'm not so distracted?"

Jjing looks back at me with his large eyes. In the absence of a viable "Seohyun" stand-in, the task at hand falls on my faithful dog. He's agreed to act as "Seohyun" (although I don't know how long that might be) so I can practice asking her to not be so adorable, if that's even possible.

These days, I'm finding it difficult to NOT think of Seohyun. She has begun to dominate my thoughts and the daily calls and texts from or to her do not help. Neither do the photos and press releases about SNSD promotions, which seem to fly about every 10 minutes.

When we first started, I wasn't able to sleep at the end of filming days. Now, my thoughts automatically float to her whenever I'm not busy. I run my thumb over the couple ring on my left hand and say, "Ah, jeongmal!", but quickly curse myself. Twice. The first for giving in to the habit I've developed, which is fidgeting with my couple ring when I'm concentrating. The second for using her frequently-used exclamation that I've adopted into my vernacular, and to which my members have since asked me to stop using. The reason being that when when their sister-in-law says it, "it's cute", but when I say it, "it's just wrong".

"Jjingie, you're supposed to be helping me."

The dog puts his head down and in response, offers a soft whimper, as if to show that he empathizes with me. The truth is, he's likely grown tired of my dramatics, which have nothing to do with his happiness.

I go back to reassess the situation. It's useless. Who am I kidding, thinking I can resist this force that draws me closer and closer to Seohyun? At that moment, my phone chirps with the tone that announces the arrival of a text message from her. Jjing jumps to his feet and barks happily, his tail wagging.

"Traitor," I mutter at Jjing, but my heart is beating a mile a minute and I feel the corners of my mouth slowly draw up into a smile, as I reach for my phone.

one-shot, comedy, fluff, g, yongseo

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