The Last Hurrah

Dec 06, 2010 10:34

Title: The Last Hurrah
Pairing: Yonghwa/Seohyun
Genre: Fluff
Rating: pg-13
Summary: A night on the town with friends

Seohyun’s SNSD unnies threw her a bachelorette party. Her mother, Yonghwa's mother, and several of her closest girlfriends attended. It wasn’t a wild gathering, but rather something befitting Seohyun’s laid back personality. They did crack open some bottles of wine and enjoyed a few mixed drinks, but the rowdiest the event got was when Seohyun began opening up the gifts of lingerie. She blushed throughout the gift opening, to the amusement of those in attendance.

Yonghwa’s bachelor party was held the same night and besides his CN Blue brothers, friends from Busan as well as friends from other idol groups, including her brothers from SME were in attendance. Yonghwa, always an outgoing guy, enjoyed their company as they went from bar to bar. Beautiful girls abound and when they were told that he would be marrying next week, they tried to find a place beside him. Despite drinking, he had the stability of mind to see them walking toward him, but he expertly redirected them to his friends so a girl never got close enough to him to even be snapped in the same picture.

Yonghwa wasn't aware that all of the guys who had once harbored feelings for Seohyun were in attendance and watching his every move. They liked him, but Seohyun had been the focus of their one-sided admiration for a long time, so a single misstep could open the door again to keep them apart, which they would be more than happy to see. Yonghwa's only focus was that he was about to be married and all these women paled in comparison to his Juhyun. His hyung, Simon D., was keeping an eye on him throughout the evening, just in case things got out of hand.

His party settled into a posh bar and as he was talking about Seohyun to Simon, he thought back to when he told her about the nature of bachelor parties. She sat there, shocked, with her mouth open. He had stolen a kiss from her at that moment, bringing his mouth onto hers. He had done a good job of distracting her into a kiss and when their lips parted ways, he reassured her that all would be fine, gently rubbing her back.

She knew her fiancee had fangirls, but grown women throwing themselves on him was another issue. It was natural for teenagers to spazz over him since he was an idol afterall, but those her age or older wishing to be his last fling as a single man, or even worse, waiting to capitalize on a costly misstep that would bound them together forever? She recognized that they had a notable advantage. They were more worldly and beautiful in ways Yonghwa found attractive. He, on the other hand, thought she was being absolutely adorable. Her jealous streak had again reared its ugly head. This time however, she had grown quiet after he kissed her. He tried to laugh it off to make her feel better.

“Juhyuy,” Yonghwa said in his accent she couldn’t resist, “I would never disrespect you by even entertaining another girl in that way.”

“But you’ll be drinking, oppa. Alcohol makes people do things...” she said.

“You are always, the only thing on my mind,” he told her. “No one can take your place. Trust Yong.”

“But...” she tried to say, but he hushed her.

“I’m marrying my ideal, whom I love, next week. Her name is Seo Juhyun. She has beautiful eyes, a lovely smile, is smart and talented, and takes excellent care of me. She’s everything I want and need. On top of that, my family adores her,” he said.

She smiled. She trusted him. She just didn’t trust those women. So that night, even though she was enjoying herself, she refrained from calling him. She had to trust him, as she had done all these months they were together but apart, so she resigned to the situation and placed all her faith into their relationship and Yonghwa.

Seohyun’s party drew to a close and her unnies still wanted to go out. Seohyun didn’t feel like bar crawling, but she went anyway. She bid her mother and Yonghwa's mother good night, hugging them both before heading out with her friends. She hadn’t been drinking, so she assumed she would be the only one who could bring them home responsibly.

They arrived at a high scale bar that Yuri read about in a magazine and immediately, Seohyun liked the atmosphere. It was beautiful and the ambience was good. The furnishings were luxurious and the lighting was dim. The music wasn’t too loud and people were still able to have a conversation. Her unnies headed straight to an open table as she tagged behind. She could see a party of men at the back, laughing and having a great time. She smiled to herself, wondering what her fiancee was doing at that moment. She had since pushed all thoughts about other women from her mind, but just in case, she did ask Simon-oppa to watch over him, to which he readily agreed. Her unnies began to get loud and she sat there shaking her head and chuckling at how embarrassing they were becoming. She ordered a pitcher of water for the table, knowing it would be a long night for her.

Yonghwa saw Seohyun walk into the bar and he sat there admiring her. She was absolutely beautiful and seemed totally out of place in the bar. She wore tight black jeans leggings, strappy black heels, and gauzy ruffly top that fell over a shoulder which she paired with simple pearl earrings and strands of different sized pearls. Her hair was in natural waves again and she had on light pink lip gloss which offset her smoky eye make up. Everyone in the bar turned to look at her, except for his party, who were so enthralled in their conversations, they hadn’t noticed. He couldn’t stop staring at her, and a smile crossed his face.

He called Simon over and whispered something in his ear. Simon looked at him shocked and glanced in the direction of Seohyun’s party. It was obvious she had no idea her fiancee was in the same establishment. Even funnier was that it was her bachelorette celebration, but she was the only one sober amid the shrieks and laughs of her intoxicated unnies. He told Simon not to let on to the rest of the group, but he did call his best friend, Hyunwoo, from Busan over to him. He whispered instructions to him and made him swear not to say anything to anyone except for him and Simon.

Hyunwoo was good looking. A tall, strapping guy with pale skin, black hair, and a killer smile complete with dimples. His mother was Korean, but his father was from Texas. He also exuded confidence that other Korean boys did not possess, which Yonghwa admired and credited it to him being part-American. Seohyun had never met him before, so what Yonghwa had asked him to do would go undetected. Hyunwoo made his way over to the table and as soon as Seohyun’s unnies saw him approach, they began to whisper furiously at each other. He walked up to the table and began talking to Seohyun, who up to the point when he opened his mouth, was oblivious to his presence and even when she saw him, she didn’t think twice about him.

“Hi there,” Hyunwoo said to her in Korean. She smiled to him and acknowledged him, but quickly looked away, keeping an eye on Yuri, who was quickly becoming an embarrassment to the group.

“Do you speak English?” he asked her in perfect, accent-less English, which he learned from his father.

She nodded, but was clearly not interested in him. Meanwhile, Jessica and Tiffany had found themselves closing in on Hyunwoo, excited to interact with another English speaking person.

“Are you with someone?” he asked Seohyun, who began to look irritated.

“Yes. I’m getting married next week.”

“Is he here?” Hyunwoo said, looking around the room. Meanwhile, Yonghwa was watching the whole scene unfold, trying not to call attention for the rest of his group.

“No, he’s not, but look, I’m really not interested. I have some unnies who would love your company tonight so I’ll call them over so you can meet them.”

“Hold on. I just wanted to say hello, buy you a drink, and tell you that I admire your aspirations to become a diplomat. I’m in my 2nd year of law school.”

Seohyun turned to him and smiled for the first time, looking interested in what he was saying. Hyunwoo was feeling confident about where he stood and Yonghwa, after seeing the change in her look at his best friend, began to worry.

She leaned toward him, smiling sweetly, and said, “Look, I don’t know what you’re playing at, but believe me, I’ve heard every possible line there is, including stuff that appeals to my career ambitions. I know you’re not in law school, so just stop embarrassing yourself and please leave.”

Hyunwoo looked taken aback. She had stopped him dead in his tracks and he was left speechless. His confidence began to disappear and he thanked her before backing away. Hyunwoo shrugged at Yonghwa, who started to laugh at his friend.

She looked the other way, while Jessica and Tiffany pouted at his departure. She shrugged at her unnies and took a sip of the warm water she poured from the pitcher. She made a face and moved toward the bar to ask for a glass of ice.

She was at the bar when she felt someone move in behind her. She then remembered why she hated places like these. It was a meat market and she hated feeling objectified, so with the feeling of someone behind her, she sighed and rolled her eyes, hoping and wishing the bartender would hurry up and give her the glass of ice she requested.

“You have beautiful eyes,” she heard a deep voice over her shoulder. She thanked all that was holy that after next week, she would be married and therefore spared the ridiculousness of interactions like this in places like these, but in the meantime, she would ignore this bold approach and wait patiently. She did notice that the owner of this new voice had the same cologne as Yonghwa. She bought it for him afterall, so she could recognize it.

“Did anyone tell you that you look like Seohyun from Girls Generation? You’re very pretty.”

She kept looking ahead and continued to ignore this very persistent offender. Maybe if she didn’t answer him, he’d catch the hint. Although she knew she was a celebrity and had to carry out the duties of high-profile celebrities by providing some level of fan service, tonight had begun to take its toll on Seohyun. She hadn’t wanted to even go out after her party, but here she was, regretting that decision. She glanced over at her unnies who were doing just fine without her care. She had had enough of this scene.

“What are you drinking? Maybe I can buy you a drink?” the voice said again.

“No thank you,” she said. “I’ll be going now. Please don’t follow me.”

She turned on her heels to leave and came face to face with Yonghwa, who was smiling giddily at her. She inhaled sharply and whined at him when he disguised his voice again to greet her, “Hello, my Juhyun...”

She had been so frustrated that her eyes had begun to fill with tears, which he noticed when he looked at her and she impulsively threw her arms around his neck into an embrace, happy to see him. He wrapped his arms around her and swept her up, burying his face in the crook of her neck while inhaling her scent and shampoo. “I hate this place. I want to go home,” she whimpered against his ear.

She was happy in his arms and he chuckled like an idiot as they embraced. He put her down and she grabbed his hand to bring him over to her unnies. He bowed to the group and her unnies greeted him. He then pulled her over to his party, where she noticed familiar faces, all of whom looked either drunk, surprised, disappointed, or indifferent. She could see some of the guys who had confessed to liking her were still having problems seeing them together. In fact, when Yonghwa stood up to prank Seohyun, they watched with interest as he talked to a beautiful girl at the bar. They were excited to see that he just might screw up, but when they saw the girl was Seohyun, their hopes were dashed.

“I want to introduce you to my best friend from Busan,” Yonghwa said as he guided her through the crowd. “This is Hyunwoo,” he said as he brought her face to face with the annoying guy who had tried to talk to her earlier.

“Omo! I’m so sorry,” she bowed to him.

Hyunwoo laughed comfortably and bowed to her, “I’m very sorry about that. Yonghwa wanted me to ‘test’ you. You passed,” he said, smiling at her. She turned to her fiancee and playfully punched his arm. He feigned pain, but then drew her close into a hug, kissing her hair. She now felt comfortable in this place, with her fiancee by her side.

“Why don’t we bring your unnies here to mingle with these guys?” Yonghwa proposed to Seohyun.

“If we do, does that mean we can leave?” she asked adorably.

Yonghwa smiled back at her. “Jashik, we have to stay for a little while at least...” She pursed her lips together, playfully pouting at him.

“Go and call them over...” he said.

She dutifully obeyed and soon her unnies moved over to the group. She sat next to him, no space between them, as they began to engage in conversations with people in the group. His arm was draped over the back of her chair and every now and again, he would rub her arm or hold her shoulder. She kept her hand on his thigh throughout the night. The group noticed the couple would begin having their own conversation and they would hold each other’s gaze throughout, looking lovingly at each other or laughing openly, as if not one else was around. Some people looked on with joy, others with envy, but it was clear to everyone that these two were happy and deeply in love.

For those who knew the two of them for a long time and had not seen them together, they were shocked to see how comfortable they were in each other's presence. They were like different people. Seohyun was much more relaxed and Yonghwa was loving and sweet to her. Every now and again, she’d reach up to fix his hair, her eyes sparkling as she did so. He would push her hair over her shoulder or caress her cheek with his hand and would whisper at her, “So beautiful, buin-ah” and would kiss the familiar birthmark on her shoulder.

After 45 minutes, they excused themselves and stood up, his arm around her shoulder while her arms wrapped around his waist. They encouraged the group to stay and to continue celebrating. The group ribbed them for leaving early, but they politely declined the invitation to stay longer. They waved to everyone and walked arm in arm to the door and out into the chilly night.

“So what do you think about that?” Hyoyeon leaned over and asked Kyuhyun, Minho, and Jinwoo, who were sitting together, watching the couple walk away, mesmerized.

“Wow, it’s no wonder they’re getting married.” Kyuhyun said.

“They really are in love.” Minho added, nodding.

“It’s official. I really have to change my password now,” sighed Jinwoon.

The couple hailed a cab back to Yonghwa’s dorm room. They sat close together, his arm still around her shoulder and her hand resting on his chest as she leaned her head against him. He kissed the crown of her head and brought his other arm around her to warm up her bare arms. They rode the cab in silence as they sped through the streets of Seoul, looking forward to falling asleep in each other’s arms and waking to the beautiful sunrise seen from Yonghwa’s room.

senseless kissing, one-shot, romance, pg-13, comedy, fluff, yongseo

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