Scientist Seohyun

Dec 07, 2010 07:10

Title: Scientist Seohyun
Pairing: Yonghwa/Seohyun
Genre: Fluff
Rating: pg-13
Summary: Testing theories on an exhausted, albeit willing subject.

She looked up to see him standing at the door of their WGM bedroom. It looked like he was up for 3 days, so she moved toward the wall, arranged his pillow, and pulled back the comforter so he could climb under it while she lay on top of it.

His backpack fell to the floor and he climbed into bed, relishing the feeling of the cool sheets and the soft pillow. Facing away from her, she instinctively rubbed her hand over the expanse of his back, comforting him like her mother did when she had a fitful sleep.

When he rolled over to face her, his eyelashes fluttered, signaling to Seohyun that he was probably already fast asleep. It would be another hour until the crew arrived. She backed up, but felt the foam wall at her back. There was no place else to go unless she got out of bed, but she could risk waking him from a much-needed nap, so she lay there, not moving. Again, he advanced toward her and surely she thought he was awake and testing his limits with her, but she heard him softly snoring and occasionally mumbling, which confirmed for her that he was indeed fast asleep.

He was less than a foot away from her and every fiber of her wanted to explore him as he slept, so she proceeded, like a scientist engaging in research. She gently touched the dark circles under both his eyes and frowned, feeling sorry that he was likely working so hard and had very little time to rest. She brought the backside of her index finger from his bridge, down to the tip of his nose. He wiggled his nose and she quickly covered her mouth to prevent the giggle that had built up in her throat from escaping. She then ran her thumb gently against his lips. They were soft, like hers and she smiled. She slipped her right hand between both of his and could feel his couple ring against her finger and thought, "This isn't so bad! What's the big deal? Who said they had to be awkward?"

She watched as he slept and began to notice the little things about him. The little dimple on his left cheek when he wore a big smile. The adorable way his nose twitched. She inhaled and could smell a mixture of soap and his cologne, which she had grown to love since they started the show. She leaned in and smelled his hair, the subtle scent of his shampoo and the yummy smell of the product in his hair brought a smile to her face.

She focused in on his mouth and bit her lip unconsciously. What was the big deal about kissing? She was intrigued. I wonder what it would feel like, she asked herself. She moved her face closer to his and gently pressed her lips on his then retreated once their lips touched. He didn't flinch. She couldn't get a sense of what it really felt like since she had pulled away so quickly, so she moved in again, gently puckered her lips and pressed them against his mouth. She held herself there, her eyes open, searching his face as she tried to see if this action evoked any kind of emotion that she heard her unnies talk about, but there was nothing. She pulled away from him again and began to ponder if it was all a sham. He was still fast asleep and she wasn't any closer to figuring out what the big deal about kissing was.

She was about to stop her research when his eyes fluttered open and focused on her. His smoldering look caught Seohyun by surprise and she inhaled sharply. His hands quickly framed her face and pulled her closer to him, until he claimed her mouth without hesitation, their lips pressed together and his tongue wiggling through to kiss her fully.

Seohyun surrendered to the experiment gone awry. All rational thought and analysis escaped her. Images of him when he appeared handsome to her, in reality and in print work, came flooding through. Then came the memories of when she felt his touch and it made her heart race. The lips she had long admired were now pressed against hers. Her face started to get hot and she reciprocated his movements, leaving herself open to this exchange of sweetness and urgency.

His arm found its way to the small of her back and he pulled her body even closer against his deepening their kiss. He draped his leg over hers and continued his kiss her. He slowly guided her to her back as he hovered over her, kissing her, straddling one of her legs. She reached out for him and placed her hands on his hips as he held himself above her. With all the self-control he could muster, he pried himself off of her and they lay on their backs beside each other, breathless, not saying a word.

Not satisfied, Seohyun rolled over and this time, she brought herself down onto him, attacking his mouth and kissing him with such conviction and determination that Yonghwa was caught off guard. She opened her eyes as they kissed and she saw his eyes closed, his eyelashes fluttering, as they continued.

He turned his face away from her after hearing a car pass on the street below them, leaving her wanting more. He had had the sense to remind her that the filming crew may be arriving any second. She lay on her back and he moved closer to her, hugging her and resting his head on her shoulder. They didn't say a word to each other as the world sped by outside their window. Time stood still in their room.

She now understood what the big deal was about kissing. Her unnies weren't lying afterall. She just needed to conduct more "research" to confirm her initial findings.   

senseless kissing, one-shot, romance, pg-13, fluff, yongseo

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