so it seems over the past year and a half i've lost three of the best people i've had in my life. three amazing guys that i just dont have anymore. and that hurts. two of whom were two of the best friends i could have asked for. and the other my love, my everything. so maybe i've managed to get him back somewhat but not completely. not the way i
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so it's been a while. and lord alot has happened in the past couple weeks. school sucks. works lovely. my friends are great. and a certain someone is just an asshole. well i should say two certain someones. but i still havent talked to 2am in what seems like forever. so much for his promise. haha i think i've learned not to trust him. but i dont
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i spent the day with my megan! lets see we went to see brittany and went to hunters moms. well hell we went all over everywhere.. it was just a trip! too much to put in here. ha.. but im going to raleigh with mom to raleigh for the night tomorrow. ye fun. =/ who knows. every thing will go down while im gone im sure! but idk. well have a great night
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