comment fic meme!

Aug 02, 2011 01:56

Following the results of the poll we took last month (don't make it easy on us or anything, guys, haha!), we've decided to hold a comment fic meme once every three months. This gives everyone time to write and prompt to their heart's content, and allows us mods to keep up with y'all. And we're starting right now!

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&comment-fic meme

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crazybeagle August 7 2011, 04:26:10 UTC
The boys are arguing. And this happens to be the one and only time that Dean ever takes his anger out on Sam in a violent way. Maybe it was an accident. Maybe he was really drunk. Maybe he was cursed. Maybe he was just really angry and he screwed up. The thing is, Sam actually gets hurt, and it's Dean's fault. Cue massive guilt and general awesomeness afterwards.
Brownie points if Sam thinks he deserved it for whatever reason. Or is angry about it. Or somehow scared of Dean.
Gen pretty please. Any season or pre-series or whenever.


FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 1/? authoressnebula August 8 2011, 23:19:39 UTC
It was a night of firsts all over. A night where, for the first time, Dean told Sam he didn't want to be anywhere near his brother, out loud. Of course, he was who knew how many sheets to the wind at that point, having gone through the Jim Beam he'd bought, then his own private stash of the harder stuff. It was also the first time that his own alcohol hadn't been enough to handle the job and put him to sleep, to let him forget that there was an apocalypse going on. So it was a first that, even drunk as he was, he was heading out to the bar just a few blocks over to consume whatever they had ( ... )


FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 2/? authoressnebula August 8 2011, 23:37:28 UTC
For the first time since he'd started hitting Sam - abusing Sam - he really looked at his brother.

Sam was curled up on the dirty motel carpet, hands up to try and block the blows to the neck or the chest. Sam's face was an array of blood and dark red marks where Dean's fists had plowed into. One eye was closing, and the other was watching him with an emotion Dean didn't recognize.

It was another first, he realized suddenly, and it made him want to vomit, because the unknown emotion was fear. For the first time, Sam was afraid of him ( ... )


FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 3/? authoressnebula August 8 2011, 23:54:56 UTC
He didn't announce himself, which wasn't really a first: he walked into a room without announcing himself to Sam all the time. Sam did the same. They knew where the other was, when he came in ( ... )


Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 3/? crazybeagle August 9 2011, 01:52:54 UTC
Oh man, I just finished it, and now I want to cry...
Not like I didn't ask for it, literally, but *SOB*


Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 3/? authoressnebula August 9 2011, 03:25:36 UTC
There's more! I just had to go to a meeting for work. *kicks work* But it's all finished now!

It gets a little better. *pets* It was just too good a prompt not to do, and I've been trying to stay away from this damn meme because it's SO GOOD, and then I saw this one and it all went to hell. :P



Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 3/? whatjuliewrites August 9 2011, 03:23:24 UTC
Oh, the man pain--both Sam and Dean's. So much ouch. Just delicious!


Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 3/? authoressnebula August 9 2011, 03:26:28 UTC
Thank you so much sweetie! You can't hurt one brother without hurting the other, because they're connected. I just like hurting Sam more and then hurting Dean via Sam. :P



FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 4/4 authoressnebula August 9 2011, 03:24:28 UTC
But he could fix himself ( ... )


Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 4/4 mentholpixie August 9 2011, 09:49:14 UTC
*Flails at the brilliance*


Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 4/4 authoressnebula August 9 2011, 19:45:38 UTC
This means so much to me, coming from you as one of my favorite authors; thank you so much! ♥



Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 4/4 crazybeagle August 9 2011, 11:58:54 UTC
"What if it's you?" "It won't be." "But if it is?"
You just killed me.
This is wonderful, exquisitely painful, and I love you forever for doing it. <3


Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 4/4 authoressnebula August 9 2011, 19:47:43 UTC
I love you for prompting it. It was way too good not to do. Your prompts, they are things of goodness. I'm so glad you liked it! ^_^



Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 4/4 crazybeagle October 19 2014, 07:16:39 UTC
Hey, could you please put this story on, I know u also have an account there too, I've seen it I really like your concept of guilty dean but it's just so sad tht this web didn't have any mobile version but fanfic does and I like it more when I read it in thx u


Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 4/4 glimmerella August 10 2011, 00:42:56 UTC
*cheer* This is wonderful!


Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 4/4 borgmama1of5 August 10 2011, 01:14:21 UTC
You really cut my heart with this one. Thank you for giving it a hopeful resolution!


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