comment fic meme!

Aug 02, 2011 01:56

Following the results of the poll we took last month (don't make it easy on us or anything, guys, haha!), we've decided to hold a comment fic meme once every three months. This gives everyone time to write and prompt to their heart's content, and allows us mods to keep up with y'all. And we're starting right now!

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&comment-fic meme

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FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 3/? authoressnebula August 8 2011, 23:54:56 UTC
He didn't announce himself, which wasn't really a first: he walked into a room without announcing himself to Sam all the time. Sam did the same. They knew where the other was, when he came in.

Not now. Now, as Dean carefully pushed the door open, he could tell Sam hadn't registered his entrance at all.

Sam was curled up with his back against the wall, open first aid kit beside him. He was slowly brushing alcohol swabs against his cuts, not even flinching as they wiped away the blood. His left eye was completely swollen shut now, and the red marks were quickly turning into huge bruises. His cheeks were both cut open, his lips were a bloody mess, and when he coughed, blood flew out into his waiting hand.

The worst part, though, was the look on Sam's face. The despair, the grief. The resignation and hurt.

The alcohol swab was too bloody to do any real good anymore, and the realization seemed to destroy any last energy and will Sam had. The swab fell to the floor, and Sam's head hung to his chest, his good eye closing.

The door's hinges squealed slightly as they were pushed open all the way, and Sam immediately snapped to attention. He quickly tried to shove himself away from the door, his good eye locked on Dean with fear and the same resignation that Dean had seen before. But he still wasn't protecting his face, wasn't doing anything except waiting for Dean to break more of him.

Dean slowly moved forward and knelt next to Sam. He found two unused alcohol patches and ripped the packages open. In slow movements, like with an injured animal that was cornered, Dean carefully and gently began to clean Sam's face.

Sam hissed at the contact but didn't say anything. He just kept watching Dean. Waiting.

Dean's stomach wouldn't stop churning, fingers and alcohol tracing over all the damage he'd done. God, he'd done this to Sam. Not some demon, not some angel. Dean. In an ironic sort of way, the same alcohol that had wound up hurting Sam so much was helping clean him up.

It was clear from the way Sam held himself, from the way he'd startled upon Dean's entrance, that he'd been expecting to clean himself up. That Dean would have gone on and left him there, alone, in the motel room.

When he was done, Dean started looking for the butterfly bandages, for the cheek that had gotten the worst of it. Sam's hand caught his, though, forcing him to stop. Dean glanced up and found Sam gazing at him with no fear, just sadness. And the same resignation as before, and Dean felt himself getting angry again. This time, with himself.

"Could've stopped me," Dean found himself saying, because it was the truth. Sam had more than enough strength to have stopped what had happened. He just...hadn't.

Sam shrugged and did look away then. "Not like I didn't have it coming," he whispered, words thick and fumbled through swollen lips. Resigned and ashamed.

And god, Dean had never wanted so badly to take something back as he did then, to take back the punches, to take back the abuse, both physical and verbal. The cuts would heal, the bruises would fade. What he'd said would get played on a single track, stuck on repeat, in Sam's head for the rest of who knew how long.

Dean didn't have butterfly sutures for that.

And then it dawned on Dean just why Sam hadn't protected his face, and he shut his eyes tight. Sam had thought he deserved it. He'd let Dean hurt him.

There was no way to fix this. To fix Sam.


Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 3/? crazybeagle August 9 2011, 01:52:54 UTC
Oh man, I just finished it, and now I want to cry...
Not like I didn't ask for it, literally, but *SOB*


Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 3/? authoressnebula August 9 2011, 03:25:36 UTC
There's more! I just had to go to a meeting for work. *kicks work* But it's all finished now!

It gets a little better. *pets* It was just too good a prompt not to do, and I've been trying to stay away from this damn meme because it's SO GOOD, and then I saw this one and it all went to hell. :P



Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 3/? whatjuliewrites August 9 2011, 03:23:24 UTC
Oh, the man pain--both Sam and Dean's. So much ouch. Just delicious!


Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 3/? authoressnebula August 9 2011, 03:26:28 UTC
Thank you so much sweetie! You can't hurt one brother without hurting the other, because they're connected. I just like hurting Sam more and then hurting Dean via Sam. :P



FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 4/4 authoressnebula August 9 2011, 03:24:28 UTC
But he could fix himself.

For the first time, Dean said what had never needed to be said between them. It had always been implied, always shared with nudges and affection and statements filled with love. But tonight, tonight it had to be said out loud as it was.

"I'm sorry, Sammy."

Sam was already shaking his head, turning away from Dean, and it wasn't happening. Dean caught his face gently between Dean's hands and forced him to turn back. Sam's good eye glistened from the light outside, and he refused to look at Dean directly. That was fine.

"It's not true. You didn' didn't do those things, Sam."


"I was wrong to say them. I was drunk and you were right, I had no business going anywhere. You stopped me from hurting myself." He swallowed, fingers gently brushing one of the cuts. "Just not me from hurting you."

Sam tried to shrug it off again, but Dean wouldn't let him. "Anyone ever hurts you again, you hurt them back," Dean said fiercely, just as demanding as he'd been when he'd struck Sam. "You hear me?"

Slowly Sam's eye turned to catch Dean's gaze. "What if it's you?" he asked softly.

"It won't be," Dean said firmly. Sobriety had never sounded so good in his life, and that was another first, too. Dean wasn't touching alcohol for a long, long time. And he'd never get drunk enough to get angry at Sam, either. Sam, who hadn't deserved any of the lashings Dean had poured out on him.

"If it is?"

"Then you fight back," Dean said. It wouldn't happen, but Sam needed to know. "You fight back, you hear me?"

Sam nodded, then winced. Concussion. "Gonna have to wake you every couple hours," Dean said quietly. He'd stay up all night waiting. Usually, he slept, and set his alarm to wake him for the constant vigil. Not tonight. If Dean slept without nightmares in the nights coming ahead, he'd be surprised.

If he slept at all.

Sam let him continue to clean him in silence, his lone good eye slowly starting to blink shut in exhaustion. The resigned air was fading away, though Dean knew what he'd done that night would take a long time to forget. Probably already forgiven, and god knew Dean didn't deserve it, but that was Sam, and it made Dean's eyes burn a little bit more thinking about it.

He leaned against the wall, next to Sam, and hauled his little brother in. Sam slid over with a soft sigh, and Dean took the trust, the acceptance, the forgiveness so freely offered with that move. "I'm so sorry, Sammy," he whispered, guilt and regret clouding his tone.

Sam remained silent for a long time, enough that Dean thought he'd fallen asleep. When he spoke, it was in a voice that was barely a whisper. "Promise?"

Dean shut his eyes, one lone tear slipping free. "I promise," he said.

It was a promise he wasn't going to forget, one he was going to make sure Sam remembered, too.



Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 4/4 mentholpixie August 9 2011, 09:49:14 UTC
*Flails at the brilliance*


Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 4/4 authoressnebula August 9 2011, 19:45:38 UTC
This means so much to me, coming from you as one of my favorite authors; thank you so much! ♥



Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 4/4 crazybeagle August 9 2011, 11:58:54 UTC
"What if it's you?" "It won't be." "But if it is?"
You just killed me.
This is wonderful, exquisitely painful, and I love you forever for doing it. <3


Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 4/4 authoressnebula August 9 2011, 19:47:43 UTC
I love you for prompting it. It was way too good not to do. Your prompts, they are things of goodness. I'm so glad you liked it! ^_^



Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 4/4 authoressnebula October 19 2014, 07:16:39 UTC
Hey, could you please put this story on, I know u also have an account there too, I've seen it I really like your concept of guilty dean but it's just so sad tht this web didn't have any mobile version but fanfic does and I like it more when I read it in thx u


Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 4/4 glimmerella August 10 2011, 00:42:56 UTC
*cheer* This is wonderful!


Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 4/4 borgmama1of5 August 10 2011, 01:14:21 UTC
You really cut my heart with this one. Thank you for giving it a hopeful resolution!


Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 4/4 sylvia37 August 10 2011, 06:47:22 UTC

I always love it when I see that you've posted and I'm never disappointed. This was so good.

I'm kinda glad they didn't do this on the show even though I could definitely see Sam taking it. It was hard enough to read much less having to watch.

Great Job!


Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 4/4 embroiderama August 13 2011, 19:24:22 UTC
Oh, GAH! This is painful but so very good.


Re: FILLED: You Never Forget Your First, 4/4 destinyjadams August 14 2011, 19:19:27 UTC
So sequel with Dean running off to protect Sam from himself and Sam tracking him down? :) No, just kidding.

Seriously though, amazing prompt and amazing fill. I actually went back to your account and reread all my favorite stories of yours (which was an awful lot of them). Thank you so much for sharing your fic with us!!

-Desi Jo


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