ugh pls no... i just had to block an ex that kept unfollowing/refollowing me to get my attention, tweeting about stuff i'd post about, etc.
i really need to get off that site but i get so many game updates through there and follow a lot of artists that aren't really consolidated anywhere else. :'(
Everyday I pray him getting a bad case of diarrhea, choke on every drop of water he drinks, every step he takes there's always little stones in his shoes. Die painfully you fuck.
Twitter is an actual cesspool and ever since Elmo took control, he's actively made it so much worse. Blue checks at the top of the replies are always awful, there are probably more bots and ChatGPT replies than real people, the porn bots are out of control, and everything is rage-bait for engagement.
I still have my twitter account to look up nyc subway alerts/real time updates and that's literally it. I haven't tweeted since he took over and moves like this only validate that
Comments 72
i really need to get off that site but i get so many game updates through there and follow a lot of artists that aren't really consolidated anywhere else. :'(
I'm sorry you're going through this. I've been there ❤️
This idiot is determined to burn that place to the ground, isn't he.
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