James Corden’s “Spill Your Guts” Will No Longer Feature Asian Delicacies

Jul 06, 2021 10:25

Corden has addressed the backlash over "Spill Your Guts" for the first time, vowing to give the segment a culturally sensitive makeover. https://t.co/uFl5zxEQP8
- VANITY FAIR (@VanityFair) July 6, 2021
  • Earlier this month, a viral TikTok made by Kim Saira highlighted how “Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts”-a confessional game where guests must either ( Read more... )

sure jan, james corden, british celebrities, late night talk show, interview

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Comments 64

theseventhsense July 6 2021, 14:43:26 UTC
I would love to do a similar show about the disgusting food I've had since I moved to the UK lol. Makes me almost feel sorry for white people.


ishi_chan July 6 2021, 15:38:06 UTC
lmao what particular food /curious


acidosaur July 6 2021, 16:20:23 UTC
that makes me sad for you because the UK has a huge variety of cuisines from different cultures!


joy_scenic July 6 2021, 16:46:25 UTC
The beans on toast thing puzzles me lol


eatmydustbinns July 6 2021, 14:52:47 UTC
I've never seen this, but it reminds me of Fear Factor's food segments back in the day. They'd have some kind of foreign delicacy but just plain boiled. Of course everything seems gross when it's boiled without sauces or seasoning.


pseudonygma July 6 2021, 15:53:45 UTC
Idk. I said it in the last post, and I'll say it in this one. I refuse to claim what he made guest eat as Asian because they're not cooked, presented, or eaten in any way that Asians would. If he went and blanched the finest cut of steak, people would be outraged at what a waste of food it would be. Why are ingredients like ox tongue, chicken feet, etc... any different? You're already eating a dead animal, why are some parts considered "cultured" to eat but others aren't ( ... )


pr3ttyvacunt July 7 2021, 17:57:40 UTC
Man I found that bone soup trend so confusing. The only time I've not used bones to make the stock for my soup is when I made a vegetarian soup, and I'm white af sooo?? People just don't know shit about how food is made lmao.


theactualworst July 6 2021, 16:04:09 UTC
It would be me joy and love and light if you would just retire.


new_peteland July 6 2021, 16:10:38 UTC
Now remove James Corden


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