James Corden’s “Spill Your Guts” Will No Longer Feature Asian Delicacies

Jul 06, 2021 10:25

Corden has addressed the backlash over "Spill Your Guts" for the first time, vowing to give the segment a culturally sensitive makeover. https://t.co/uFl5zxEQP8
- VANITY FAIR (@VanityFair) July 6, 2021
  • Earlier this month, a viral TikTok made by Kim Saira highlighted how “Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts”-a confessional game where guests must either ( Read more... )

sure jan, james corden, british celebrities, late night talk show, interview

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pseudonygma July 6 2021, 15:53:45 UTC
Idk. I said it in the last post, and I'll say it in this one. I refuse to claim what he made guest eat as Asian because they're not cooked, presented, or eaten in any way that Asians would. If he went and blanched the finest cut of steak, people would be outraged at what a waste of food it would be. Why are ingredients like ox tongue, chicken feet, etc... any different? You're already eating a dead animal, why are some parts considered "cultured" to eat but others aren't?

If anything, this should've been a discussion about how wasteful white American cuisine is. When Chinese people kill an animal for food, we eat the entire animal. Nothing gets wasted, and whatever can't be cooked, we find other uses for it. Wasn't there a whole spectacle a year or two ago about bone soup and how nutritious it is? Smh. Asians have been making soups and stew with bone stock for CENTURIES.

Traditional Chinese culture also takes killing animals for food very seriously. Eating an egg is equivalent to eating an entire chicken farm that egg could have yielded. That's why eggs were only eaten during special celebrations but modern, globalized farming changed all that. Look at what happened with shark fin. Shark fin soup was never meant to be eaten as a single course. It's one course out of an entire banquet of shark meat based dishes. The entire meal is an event. It's abhorrent to cut off a shark's fin and throw the shark back into the ocean.


pr3ttyvacunt July 7 2021, 17:57:40 UTC
Man I found that bone soup trend so confusing. The only time I've not used bones to make the stock for my soup is when I made a vegetarian soup, and I'm white af sooo?? People just don't know shit about how food is made lmao.


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