Biden signs Juneteenth Into a Federal Holiday

Jun 17, 2021 15:29

Joe Biden Signs Bill Making Juneteenth A Federal Holiday; What’s Open And Closed On Friday
- Deadline Hollywood (@DEADLINE) June 17, 2021

The holiday commemorates African Americans’ freedom from slavery (More speficially, when the slaves of Galveston, TX learned that slavery was illegal), and has long been observed in local ( Read more... )

usher, politics, race / racism

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Comments 121

itscomicrelief June 17 2021, 21:28:47 UTC
Sweet. Now do Election Day as a national holiday.


waffletaco June 17 2021, 22:21:22 UTC
the problem with most holidays are that most people still work. If its not easter, thanksgiving (barely), and xmas, most things run as usual.


frickinawesome7 June 17 2021, 22:31:18 UTC
waffletaco June 18 2021, 05:10:07 UTC
i would love a gov job tbh.


sabrina54 June 17 2021, 21:29:56 UTC
What's the point of this when they barred schools from teaching critical race theory? Ya, it's a holiday but you're not allowed to say why its a holiday? I swear to God my hatred of politicians grows by the hour.


mhfromnh June 17 2021, 22:14:03 UTC
there is no systemic racism in Ba Sing Se


waffletaco June 17 2021, 22:22:44 UTC
would critical race theory have been like a separate class, or would it be something integrated into your usual History class?


sabrina54 June 17 2021, 23:09:05 UTC
CRT is just addressing racial inequality and how the events of slavery and Jim Crow era still impacts our society and the treatment of Black and poc in all aspects of life. 26+ states (and counting) banned teachers from including that simple fact in History and social science classes.

These assholes want everyone to think slavery happened and it ended and now we live in this colour blind society where everyone is treated equal and skin colour doesn't factor into anything yay👍🏾


chuckisfuckis June 17 2021, 21:30:41 UTC
The Alabasters gotta stay working regardless.


allmylines June 17 2021, 21:31:13 UTC

Imagine being so racist you don’t want the day off
- The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) June 17, 2021


disgruntledyawn June 17 2021, 21:35:41 UTC
Congress basically gets half the year off from their cushy jobs. What's one more day?


ellie_andrews June 17 2021, 21:35:44 UTC
one dude's "reason" was that we "have too many federal holidays". shew! not even trying w that one!


bert_macklin June 17 2021, 22:34:51 UTC
we literally have memorial day and veterans day


trynabme June 17 2021, 21:31:38 UTC
Performative nonsense really.

But do I get a day off? Federal is different from National right?


musicnkisses June 17 2021, 21:34:40 UTC
The government is closed. Anywhere else you’re likely to be at work. Like an accountant probably isn’t getting MLK, Juneteenth, and Columbus Day off.


theactualworst June 17 2021, 21:53:21 UTC
My firm decided to start giving us MLK day off in order to look woke but then took our floating holiday away. 🙄


trynabme June 17 2021, 22:13:54 UTC
I wonder, I dont get Juneteenth and Columbus but we get MLK


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