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Comments 200

thespockingdead December 30 2020, 18:28:59 UTC
I'm so sick of hearing about (male) directors being assholes and micromanaging their shitty ~visions. Just let your actors and crew do their fucking jobs, dude.


kick_chop_slam December 30 2020, 18:36:54 UTC
How else are they supposed to preserve the sacred art of filmmaking?


richyrich909 December 30 2020, 18:36:37 UTC
Ugh. Is he a Kubrick? Making Shelly Duvall do like 118 takes with that bat until she was crying real tears and mentally/physically exhausted just to get “the shot”? 🙄. Multiple takes are fine but as a director you should, I dunno...DIRECT the actor on what to do. And what’s up with the bullying apologists in here simply because someone is making money? Am I in the wrong group?


genbu_no_miko24 December 30 2020, 19:09:40 UTC
Yep 100%

If their rich faves experience harsh working environments: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

If their rich but non-faves experience harsh working environment: suck it up bitch!! That’s what you signed up for you already rich fuck!!


richyrich909 December 30 2020, 19:15:03 UTC
Also what if one of the members in here gets a high paying job/already has one, does that mean they should be treated like shit? Everyone’s human and no matter how much or little money they make or position they’re in, they don’t deserve to be treated harshly. Call them out and fuck up their career if they’re an asshole, predator etc. But saying someone deserves work abuse because you’re not a fan is just ridiculous to me. Lemme go make a mimosa, this irritated me lol.


bakemonos December 30 2020, 20:34:32 UTC
Also what if one of the members in here gets a high paying job



jason_voorhees December 30 2020, 18:38:43 UTC
This movie looks like it's going to be dark and serious to the point of being suffocating.


euraylie December 30 2020, 18:39:26 UTC
This is following those reports that Pattinson allegedly refused to bulk up for the role and Reeves said the difference between him and the stuntman is really noticeable, but he doesn’t care anymore and just wants it over with.


thespockingdead December 30 2020, 18:47:28 UTC
I mean, considering the super unhealthy and dangerous ways that stars in superhero movies usually have to bulk up and maintain that bulk throughout filming, I don't think Pattinson deserves criticism for refusing. If anything, that's the director's problem for knowing Pattinson wouldn't do it and hiring him anyway.


sailormood December 30 2020, 18:57:27 UTC
I think he refused to follow the exercise regiment during his self quarantine but still ate the food they sent him.


deja_vu822 December 30 2020, 22:44:16 UTC
i know he said he wasn't going to bulk up but he was pretty bulky (i guess at least in comparison to how he normally is) in the press tour for tenet


crash31 December 30 2020, 18:41:43 UTC
Going to an abusive or toxic workplace is like a living hell.

Losing my job due to Covid has made me truly and firmly make a rule for myself going forward: I will NEVER work in an abusive or unhealthy environment again, and I will NEVER let my job make me feel guilty or control my life.
I feel like my former jobs took years off my life for literally nothing. Sure I’m stressed about $$$ but that’s just life and I have to take it a day at a time.


innocentanalyst December 30 2020, 21:02:43 UTC
I have a workload of 3 people and if I say anything, I'm complaining. If I can't finish everything on time, I'm lazy and can't do the work. People have quit because of how stressed out they were and having to choose between working 10-12 hour days (no overtime pay) and having a life. I was denied time off so I can move, they couldn't understand why I needed a few days off.


crash31 December 30 2020, 23:56:03 UTC
I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that kind of a place. I’ve been there and it’s nearly killed me mentally and I’m 99% sure my back pain was caused by work related stress.

I know it’s extremely difficult but I would try and find something else or figure out if there is a way to report the behavior before it destroys you further.


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