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euraylie December 30 2020, 18:39:26 UTC
This is following those reports that Pattinson allegedly refused to bulk up for the role and Reeves said the difference between him and the stuntman is really noticeable, but he doesn’t care anymore and just wants it over with.


thespockingdead December 30 2020, 18:47:28 UTC
I mean, considering the super unhealthy and dangerous ways that stars in superhero movies usually have to bulk up and maintain that bulk throughout filming, I don't think Pattinson deserves criticism for refusing. If anything, that's the director's problem for knowing Pattinson wouldn't do it and hiring him anyway.


sailormood December 30 2020, 18:57:27 UTC
I think he refused to follow the exercise regiment during his self quarantine but still ate the food they sent him.


deja_vu822 December 30 2020, 22:44:16 UTC
i know he said he wasn't going to bulk up but he was pretty bulky (i guess at least in comparison to how he normally is) in the press tour for tenet


aristobrit December 30 2020, 22:54:15 UTC
Allegedly is the key point here. Those stories were fake, his whole diet and workout regime was published in British Men's Health last June and he got to be the size and shape that Reeves wanted for Year 2 Batman.

Since I've only seen the stuntman in costume on the bike and Pattinson in costume in the trailer and I didn't think the difference was noticable, I'd have to disagree. Reeves isn't making a film where it's obvious when the stuntman is in the frame.

This story is totally fake. They shot on the street in Liverpool for a week with hundreds of fans watching and taking pics, and they never shot any scene more than a few times. The source for this garbage is The Sun, a UK tabloid known for making stuff up out of thin air. They have no real source. There is no drama on this set which is why it keeps being manufactured.


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