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iheartdarkblue December 30 2020, 18:14:29 UTC
This is why I hate how Hitchcock and Kubrick continue to be glorified. And I know ONTD is big on their cry me a river shtick, but if this is true it's not as if it's pleasant for the film/support crew to be subjected to the director's despotism.


the_rocklobster December 30 2020, 18:17:02 UTC
you know what, that's a fair point that i didn't take into consideration. it isn't just Pattinson who suffers, but the crew.


magnetic_rose92 December 30 2020, 21:28:39 UTC
Even if it was just Pattinson suffering that wouldn’t be good.


genbu_no_miko24 December 30 2020, 19:02:43 UTC
I like Kubrick films but he got A LOT of passes for his harsh work environment.


the_rocklobster December 30 2020, 18:16:14 UTC
footface pattinson is wellknown to be an insufferable method actor, so... karma?


(The comment has been removed)

the_rocklobster December 30 2020, 20:28:53 UTC
idk, that whole thing about ~hiding his accent until filming started~ on the devil all the time... goddamn, a poc would NEVER get away with that shit.


aristobrit December 30 2020, 22:49:12 UTC
They would if they delivered exactly what the director wanted, which is what Pattinson did for Anthony Campos. The director said he was happy that Pattinson had prepared the accent on his own time, without working with a coach. Full interview in IndieWire.


hunty December 30 2020, 18:19:00 UTC
he should be pushed to wash his hair once in a while


doriiansz December 30 2020, 18:28:28 UTC
Maybe that was the breaking point 🤷‍♂️


madhler December 30 2020, 18:22:14 UTC
This is a such red flag for abuse/bullying. Not sure why everyone is all “whatever” about it...


locksuperpower December 30 2020, 18:31:34 UTC
Right? These comments are gross. You can hate Robert Pattinson/men and still make the distinction that abuse is wrong.


likeanunmadebed December 30 2020, 18:36:25 UTC
exactly! plus he had COVID, so who knows how he's actually feeling


genbu_no_miko24 December 30 2020, 19:04:58 UTC
ONTD is perpetually miserable. Making a lot money automatically disqualifies some people from receiving any type of sympathy or concern.

This is the same ONTD that’ll complain about their shitty work environment.


locksuperpower December 30 2020, 18:26:07 UTC
Wow the tone of this post is something else.


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