Last Week Tonight: Police in America

Jun 08, 2020 12:41

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In light of the ongoing protests following the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor and the brutal police response to them, Last Week Tonight looks at how the history of policing in America has been used to uphold white supremacy, the efforts in increasing police authority and in escaping accountability, and what can possibly be done to undo ( Read more... )

last week tonight (hbo), politics, race / racism

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Comments 108

ferelden June 8 2020, 19:55:30 UTC
I fucking love John Oliver. He's a fucking treasure.


(The comment has been removed)

ferelden June 8 2020, 23:22:38 UTC
Does he really. Yikes. Retracting my statement then. Ty for the info!


march_runaway June 8 2020, 23:44:34 UTC
that’s weird. i have a friend that writes there and she says the opposite


cheeseasauras June 8 2020, 20:00:02 UTC
wow home town heroes Kansas City Police Department at 3:38.

Fuck KCPD. They deserve to be called out for their bullshit on a national level like this. So many of my friends have been tear gassed and hit with rubber bullets who were just peacefully protesting.
I was threatened with tear gas and arrest multiple times for peacefully marching.
Im so angry i can’t even put it in to words.
Congrats on really proving people wrong about police brutality by responding to peaceful protestors protesting police brutality with some police brutality!!!


crimps4 June 8 2020, 20:24:16 UTC
Agreed. I grew up with a kid who's now with KCPD and he thinks his 'liberal' politics will save him from criticism and I just want to scream. And obviously I don't speak with him anymore.


wellalr1ght June 8 2020, 20:01:38 UTC
Really glad he delivered this episode directly and with minimal jokes ‘cause this shit ain’t funny


zoaster_toaster June 8 2020, 20:10:17 UTC
I've always appreciated how direct and no-fucks-given John is in general about how he delivers stuff.


xpirate_queenx June 9 2020, 05:18:40 UTC
You could tell he was furious throughout this whole episode. Talking faster than usual, less attempt at jokes, and then that ending whew


deborahkla June 9 2020, 06:38:02 UTC
I agree. This was a GREAT episode.


cherrynorth June 8 2020, 20:04:32 UTC
I think I'll need to watch the episode a second time to really absorb all of it, but on my first pass I thought it was strong.


sugarcrawler June 8 2020, 20:05:25 UTC
john oliver is a us military bootlicker


fernandocolunga June 8 2020, 22:40:36 UTC
Meaning? I don’t like him but I wanna know what you’re talking about


save_me_xenu June 8 2020, 22:48:08 UTC
Well, his wife served in Afghanistan, I think, and he's done at least one USO tour. I don't know anything more than that.


sugarcrawler June 9 2020, 00:41:34 UTC
he’s thanked the us military before
has talked about being proud to be american


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