Camren Bicondova opens up about being in a domestically abusive relationship

Oct 14, 2018 08:27

#DomesticViolenceAwareness Month.

Talk to a friend. If the police can’t help you, maybe he or she can.
- Camren Bicondova (@camrenbicondova) October 11, 2018
October is National Domestic Violence Awareness, recently the Gotham actress revealed via twitter that she was in a domestically abusive relationship. And that even ( Read more... )

violence / domestic abuse, gotham (fox), actor / actress

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Comments 27

corgismiles October 14 2018, 14:55:53 UTC
That's terrible and made even worse by the fact she's only 19. This was probably one of her first relationships. :(


mzgrottesca October 14 2018, 15:01:11 UTC
Good for her speaking out about it.

Domestic abuse is so ubiquitous where I live that I think a lot of people don't even register it as abusive. I know so many women who think it's perfectly fine for their boyfriend to "smack them around a little" as long as it's only "every once in awhile". Most of these women grew up watching their moms get the absolute shit beat out of them day to day, so their bar is super low. It just makes me sad. The culture down here is so fucked up.


aleksie October 14 2018, 22:14:56 UTC
I've been coming to terms with how normalized domestic violence is/was in my family (estranged, so I hope it's better). It's been shocking now that I realize how rape and sexual assault were like jokes, while hitting was okay because no one got sent to the hospital.


asth77 October 14 2018, 15:22:13 UTC
maaaaannn I just got out of a disturbing conversation in which a girl I barely know (someone I want to be friend with) called me in the middle of the night to meet in a Macdo cause she had an argument with her boyfriend but she sure seemed scared, she did not want to tell me in detail what happened
and he came like, silently sat next to us surprised to see me but seemingly unable to speak/say what he wanted to say, checked her phone, looked at us for like ten minutes as if he was waiting for us to finish while she ignored him and made me talk about random stuff, the tension....

I am glad she answered my last messages an hour after I left, I told her she could come and sleep in my house any time

we're supposed to meet this week, she asked me if we could hang out

anyway, I think it's ok for now but I got a bad feeling about it, at the very least he sounds like the controlling type and I guess it's not good regardless if there is abuse or not


ohwutevernvm October 14 2018, 15:28:08 UTC
damn this gave me intense anxiety. That ain’t right even if he’s that or this type, he’s that dude the type you gotta watch out. He could done shat even the minute he’s thinking about starting shit over whatever got him worked up. Hope she’s really okay.


asth77 October 14 2018, 15:38:22 UTC
yeah..... you are right.
and the fact he didn't say anything but I could see him doing his best to put a smile on his face and waiting for me to leave. Like, he knows what he wants to say/do cannot be done in front of me or in public. Anxious as fuck rn but I mean she answered, idk what to do, I guess it's alright for tonight she knows I live nearby and I am ready to come if necessary.
In case, I asked a Japanese friend to send me some emergency numbers for domestic abuse victims in Tokyo

I'll do my best to meet her this week after her work, she promised we would go eat somewhere in the next few days, I hope she follows through.


yurasama_love October 14 2018, 16:16:28 UTC
That guy is dangerous


ohwutevernvm October 14 2018, 15:23:51 UTC
Wow terrifying. Glad she’s okay and get to spoke up. That’s wild that the police station is literally few blocks from her and all that awful things happened. So awful :( this abuse and fucked up shit gotta really need to stop


yurasama_love October 14 2018, 16:14:59 UTC
That's so awful.
I grew up in a family rife with abuse so sometimes it takes me a while for it to register.
Funny enough, if I even get a whiff of abusive behavior from someone, I just leave. I have so much shit to deal with my family I don't have time for "strangers"


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