Cheer up, guys, it's Rex Manning Day! (SPN Crack Happy Fun Times)

Jul 10, 2008 21:32


We are all made of fail for forgetting it's Rex Manning Day.

However as we continue to carry on (sometimes with wayward sons) during this summer while Dean is meathooked (WTF) in hell, we bring you:

Oh Yes They Did: Supernatural Crack Celebration Times

What This All About Then?

- Our Favorite Crack Moments.

- Season Four Potential Crack.

- Celebrating Fannish Crack.

How to Spread the Crack:

Step One: Post Comments.
Step Two: ?
Step Three: Profit! Crack!

Heh, pehaps not. Actually here's what you do:

Comment with your favorite crackish moments (pics, dialogue, or just a description is awesome!).

Comment by posting crackish manips/icons (responding with icons is welcome!). Please make sure to credit the artists! You are also welcome to do macros. To quote memphis86: MACROS MACROS MACROS!!!

Or pimp some of your favorite crack fics (self pimping is welcome!)

Because fictional crack unlike actual crack doesn't kill, nay it sustains us in its crackish braincandy goodness.

For example, here's a few of my personal favorites:

S1, Bugs
The entire episode. OH GOD the cracktastic dumb of it. But best of all? The gratitious shower scene featuring Dean where he opens the door and he IS wearing a towel. On his head. All right then! (Yes I'm one of the...two people who didn't hate Bugs.)

S2, Tall Tales
"They made!" Cue Lady in Red

S3, Ghostfacers
Slow motion walk of our intrepid leader and co-leader of the Ghostfacers crew. SLOW MOTION WALK, people.

But Why Crack?

Because, we the mods demand bodyswap. We have suffered the deaths of every Winchester on the show and have only received meathooks for our quiet plea in the pursuit of crackish bodysawp. It is high time for Jared and Jensen to show off their Dean and Sam faces respectively.

And also because crack is delicious. It tastes of crazypants.

If you'd like to promote the celebration, feel free to do so with this handy dandy text box 'o code!">" border="0">
Oh Yes They Did: Supernatural Crack @ !

may memphis86 and ignited stop spamming me with dolphin crack now

crack!, !mod

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