ohnokripkedidnt sing-along blog fest!

Jul 17, 2008 11:37

In light of the crazy and wonderful shenanigans going on at Joss Whedon's Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, we here at ohnokripkedidnt bow down to the awesome and offer our own meager... offering. (Good with the words, yes.): the Dr. Singer Sing-Along Blog Fest at ONKD!

What does this mean, you ask? Here's where minor characters get a chance to vent their frustration at how those Winchester boys -- sometimes with the help of their compadres, Bobby and Ruby -- seem to screw things up! One man's successful hunt is another spirit or demon baddie's failed venture, and so here is where they may finally tell their stories.

How to play
Comment with a drabble (100 words) or ficlet from a non-Winchester POV: whether it be the monsters they're after or the civillian bystanders. Sam and Dean mess up a bad guy's cunning plan? Tell a story about it! Basically, we're looking for stories where the Winchesters are seen as the enemies (or the sometime annoyances, like in Bobby's case.)

Bonus points if there's singing, obviously! ;)


If you'd like to promote the contest, feel free to do so with this handy dandy text box 'o code!

http://community.livejournal.com/ohnokripkedidnt/9427.html">http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u175/ignitedicons/onkd/onkd-sing-sm.jpg" border="0">
Dr. Singer's Sing-Along Blog Fest @ !

sing-along!, !mod

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