"Their deadline came and went, despite retaliation being apparently beneficial. Conclusion: they are controlled by or at least listen to an actor who determined that it wasn't optimal time to play that card"
Here in comments, we've been trying to figure out who's behind the Pr.Sec. and what are their goals. We all came to a conclusion that this is an internal Ukrainian actor pursuing its own goals, and even probably SBU (Alla's suggestion) - a part of the SBU going rogue (my suggestion).
But you highlight an interesting fact that at the very beginning made me think (+ some signs of Poroshenko's involvement) of an external actor (and not Russia). Now, it may mean that the internal Ukr. actor behind the Pr.Sec. is adapting its game, letting the US act when they act : mostly because only the US can weaken Kremlin, in my opinion.
It sees that initially PS was a project by an internal actor. Poroshenko is quite likely given his role in supporting Automaidan and coordinating it with US Embassy. Lack of modern mass-media strategy by the group suggests lack of initial American involvement, but doesn't preclude intelligence contacts. However, that has likely changed after Jan 22. Note the inclusive tone and insistence against antisemitism (clever use of Bandera's 3 rules) in subsequent media appearances.
Ну так і Потрніков, до речі, на тому ж наголошує: що Росія *начебто* вже Украïною подавилася і повністю перейшла на план розколу Украïни: або ривком, інтервенцією, збр. конфліктом, або те ж саме, тільки уповільнено і поки що латентно - через федералізацію із плацдармом в Харкові і всім тим же самим тільки в майбутньому
( ... )
"Стыдно как-то, через европейских поваров узнавать состав украинской каши". - Стыдно - это не то слово, Алла.. И причем тут, собс-но европейские повара? Европа есть колония США. Поэтому и написала такой текст СА, чтобы ни один в здравом уме не подписал. Им не нужна Украина, как член ЕС. И вы это знаете. Даже восточному блоку это не нужно - кормушка одна на всех. Всего одна.. Старая Европа хочет перестать быть колонией, в этом весь смысл ЕС, как сильного интеграционного обьединения. Извините за банальности
( ... )
Comments 951
За бажанням детальніше про рейтинги ви можете прочитати у розділі довідки.
Here in comments, we've been trying to figure out who's behind the Pr.Sec. and what are their goals. We all came to a conclusion that this is an internal Ukrainian actor pursuing its own goals, and even probably SBU (Alla's suggestion) - a part of the SBU going rogue (my suggestion).
But you highlight an interesting fact that at the very beginning made me think (+ some signs of Poroshenko's involvement) of an external actor (and not Russia). Now, it may mean that the internal Ukr. actor behind the Pr.Sec. is adapting its game, letting the US act when they act : mostly because only the US can weaken Kremlin, in my opinion.
Interesting, anyway.
И не просто могут - а реально НЕ понимают.
Вся верхушка ЛПР в полном составе.
"с оплотом в Харькове"
How apropos... Google Translate has significantly improved :)
American strategy can be summed up thus:
- announce red lines for Ukrainian government, preventing them from use of force
- allow Russia to destabilize the country, weakening Ukr government, but not enough to cause collapse
- control all opposition forces to prevent armed conflict
- put pressure for a diplomatic solution (excluding Russia) up until the point of inflection
Lack of EU sanctions means that this point of inflection is MUCH closer to collapse/armed struggle than that with which US is comfortable.
Two ways to neutralize the strategy:
- Russia organizing a mass-casualty event in Ukraine (likely prevented at high level)
- Yanukovitch crossing red lines (somewhat unlikely to happen if it hasn't yet)
"Младомародёры" и так уже делов наделали, а тут ещё постановление НБУ №49...
И у многих ещё добавилось проблем...
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